Kratom withdrawal needs a complete background check on what is Kratom, why do people use it and what are the best effects of Kratom.
Kratom is one magical herb, which appeals the people of all ages. The benefits of Kratom are so diverse that it can be either a therapeutic help or a recreational herb, depending upon what you need.
Despite the apparent benefits, people are doubtful on what it may bring for them. Kratom addiction is one thing, which scares the people that have not tried Kratom so far.
Kratom addiction is not a real thing; it’s just an extreme effect, which occurs when you are not following the Kratom guidelines correctly.
It is a casual thing and nothing complicated. One can effectively treat it without getting an emergency help.
Just in case you are not sure on how to handle it, seek help from a doctor, which will prescribe a medicine to ease the uncomfortable symptoms and general instructions to follow.
Most of the times, the doctor prescribes suboxone for Kratom withdrawal symptoms. Not known to ordinary people, suboxone is a medicine, which makes you feel better.
Here is everything that you need to know if you are not sure if suboxone is the right choice for Kratom withdrawal or not.
Is Kratom addiction real?
Kratom addiction is not as scary as it may sound. Dependence and addiction are not the same things but they similar.
What you may perceive from addiction is that you need something to make your bodywork or else you are doomed.
The dependence of a drug means that brain chemistry depends upon the intake of that product. Once you take it, the body starts to function right away.
In case of most of the opiates, it’s the dependence and not the addiction that plays the role.
Kratom is one fantastic product, which works similar to opiates. It is not an opiate itself but works as an opioid drug.
It induces the natural process of serotonin production. Once it completes its mechanism and is out of the body, the brain comes back to the average level of neurotransmitters.
In this case, withdrawal symptoms may show up. These symptoms are just an uncomfortable feeling and no actual medical risks.
For a short time, the effects aren’t harmful. In the long run, they may induce effects like weight loss, frequent urination anorexia, etc.
What is Kratom withdrawal?
The withdrawal effect shows up when you stop using Kratom after prolonged use.
It is not as such related to addiction except when you are taking the extremely high doses, every other day.
These effects can be behavioral, emotional, physical and social changes based.
In any case, withdrawal effects are as follows.
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Loss of appetite
- Emotional instability
- Stress
- Irresponsible and careless behavior
- Inability to concentrate or focus
- Lack of motivation
- Urge to use Kratom
- Non activeness
- Lack of stamina
Not all these effects hit a person at one time. You may feel only a couple of them.
It depends on the previous experience with Kratom and health status of a person. For healthier persons, recovery is usually speedy.
How does medication help for Kratom withdrawal effects?
Using a medicine is not necessary, but it will speed up the process of healing. Using a medication will block the action of opioids, which are already in the bloodstream.
Timing is crucial to take these medicines or else they can completely turn the situation upside down.
The best time for these drugs to work is during the initial phase of Kratom withdrawal. It also suggests that this stage is the right time to see a doctor if you want medicinal help.
Is suboxone an active drug against withdrawal symptoms?
Suboxone is not a new name. It has been around us for a long time. Suboxone is called a wonder drug for its incredible benefits regarding addiction.
Chemically it is a mixture of buprenorphine and naloxone. Both these are helpful to save the user from unwanted effects, i.e. addictive euphoria.
Suboxone itself is a potent drug, and it works perfectly on a person who is a physical or mental dependence on any product, be it herbal or medicine.
Typically, heroin and other addicts use suboxone to heal their bodies. If you are consulting a doctor, he won’t give you suboxone before being sure about if you need it or not.
Who can use suboxone for Kratom withdrawal?
Withdrawal effects can go from mild to severe with experience. It is not the same effect that we are talking about, whenever it is about Kratom withdrawal.
The withdrawal effects show up even to new users as the mild urge to prolong the use of Kratom but nothing involving a medical issue.
For experienced users that have been using Kratom for over 2-3 years, this withdrawal effect can be severe, as they are using a high dose repeatedly.
At the mild level of Kratom withdrawal, there is no need to use any medication especially suboxone for Kratom withdrawal.
Because the suboxone itself is very reactive, you never really know during the withdrawal phase, the addition of Kratom may end, but the likelihood for suboxone may develop.
No one would like to take a risk while experimenting. So at mild addiction, the doctor may never prescribe you the suboxone for Kratom withdrawal or any similar medicine.
For the people, who have an experience with Kratom of years long, withdrawal can be different. It will be serious and severe.
With this much exposure, the Kratom user may feel the irresistible effects which need immediate care. Only in extreme condition, drugs like suboxone are given to the people for easing the impacts.
It can be either by a doctor or a direct intake. But remember that suboxone being potent enough needs exact dosage follows up. If you are planning to take it all by yourself, make sure that you are using it rightly.
How does suboxone help for easing Kratom withdrawal effects?
Suboxone is chemically called buprenorphine. It removes the opiate particles from the blood and attaches to their place on opioid sites in the brain.
Due to this, the new opioid reaction is soothing and healing which relaxes the body.
Suboxone helps against body pains, fever, mood swings, insomnia, stress and all related effects.
For high opiates like heroin, the withdrawal effects are a lot more intense than Kratom. Suboxone works better for the extreme conditions.
That is why, even with Kratom, it is only recommended if the withdrawal effects are comparatively higher.
These may include depression, stress, faster heart rate, high BP, dilated pupils, diarrhea, emotional breakouts, mental dullness, etc.
What is the right time to use Suboxone?
Withdrawal is a faster proves. It starts and ends soon. You only need to pass this time in-between in such a way that it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.
That means, to use suboxone, the user must be already in withdrawal phase. You can’t use it before time, expecting it to work for you. It would instead cause damage.
The safest time to use suboxone for Kratom withdrawal is when the Kratom user is facing the withdrawal signs for 3-4 days.
Doctors are more likely to suggest suboxone at 5th or 6thd day as per clinical opiate withdrawal scale. This scale is a methodology to predict the cycle of withdrawal effects.
How long should suboxone be used?
Suboxone usage is also time bounded. The duration is dependent upon so many factors such as the time lapse for a person under opiate usage, what type of opiates he is using, family history and health status.
It even involves information on previous experience with opiate withdrawal and its treatment. Mainly which involve suboxone or an equally potent drug.
These things will help to estimate how well the patient will respond to the treatment with suboxone.
For some users, it may be a one-time treatment for a few days, for others, it may take months.
Who should not use suboxone?
Suboxone is sometimes known as a narcotic drug due to its extreme effects.
It helps to kill the impacts of opioid substances, relieves the pain and induces the feeling of wellness in less time. It is not safe to use by underage people and pregnant women.
Cross check if you are allergic to buprenorphine or naloxone (Narcan) before you start using suboxone on your own.
Also, you need to tell this to your doctor if he prescribes you suboxone for Kratom withdrawal effects for treatment.
Also, you should not use suboxone if you have any of the following.
- Breathing or lungs problems
- Prostate disease
- UTIs
- Liver infection
- Kidney problems
- Gallbladder problems
- Thyroid issues
- Alcohol addiction
- Physical injury to head
- Brain tumors
- Users of sedatives
In case of specific medication, suboxone may interact and works abnormal such as sedatives.
You need to make sure that you have told your complete medical history to the doctor before finalizing a medicine to help the current condition.