Christina Earle


Christina Earle is a licensed psychologist practicing in Oakland, California since 1999. She provides counseling to people who are struggling with managing stress, and anxiety related issues. In her free time, she often writes on mental health conditions that educate the individuals to explore ways of improving their health.

25 Natural Sleep Aid Supplements You Can Buy Online

Do you wake up feeling lazy every morning? Is it tough for you to explore fresh and energetic throughout the day? If the answer...

Dab Pens: What To Look Before Buying A Good Dab Pen?

Welcome to the world of vapes! Or shall I say ‘Dabbing world’? For marijuana lovers, dabbing is the new and innovative way of getting...

Are ‘CBD Gummies’ A Perfect Match for Anxiety?

You can now take CBD as a daily snack! How does that sound? AMAZING, no? Remember the times of childhood when gummies used to be...

How To Get Started With Vaping CBD?

CBD Oil Vaping is a popular trend among people who love smoking with colleagues and friends. CBD oil has been used in medicines for centuries in ancient...

Using Kratom For Body Building

The plant of Kratom has an incredible strength which is predominant over the years. The natural properties of energy, stamina, analgesia, and euphoria make...

Which Cannabis Strains Help Improve Your Mood?

Several types of research show that chronic stress can lead to depression. Those who often feel stressed experience a drop in their endocannabinoid production which directly...

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