Christina Earle


Christina Earle is a licensed psychologist practicing in Oakland, California since 1999. She provides counseling to people who are struggling with managing stress, and anxiety related issues. In her free time, she often writes on mental health conditions that educate the individuals to explore ways of improving their health.

Best CBD Oils For Mood Stabilizer

Many antipsychotics and antidepressants can tackle the mood swings. Still, these befall a sense of perturbing issues over the patients. Hence the manufacturers put...

20 Best-Selling Kava Kava Herbal Supplements on Amazon

Since ages, Kava Kava has been used as medicine and as a ceremonial drink. The origins of Kava Kava root are South Pacific Islands,...

10 Herbal Supplements to Help Treat Insomnia

Do you struggle to sleep? Do you frequently wake up in the middle of the night? Do you feel groggy and tired throughout the...

Can Women Use Tongkat Ali? Tongkat Ali Benefits For Females

Women in today’s world are experiencing hormonal imbalance as a standard issue. Most of the women are exposed to toxins that have estrogen-like effects...

What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics For Men?

In today’s globalized world, gut health has become very important. You cannot eat all kinds of foods unless you have a healthy gut that...

How To Take Kava For Anxiety

For centuries people have been using Benzodiazepines for anxiety. It is a well-known fact that Benzodiazepines cause the built up of tolerance and dependence. In such...

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