Christina Earle


Christina Earle is a licensed psychologist practicing in Oakland, California since 1999. She provides counseling to people who are struggling with managing stress, and anxiety related issues. In her free time, she often writes on mental health conditions that educate the individuals to explore ways of improving their health.

Can Kratom Help You Manage Period Pain Cramps?

If you have heard about Kratom and are wondering if it can help with your period cramps, let us help you decide. So go...

Mitra 9 Kratom Seltzer Drink’s Review

Today there is a lot of talk about the Mitra 9 kratom seltzer drinks as a new and unique way of consuming this magnificent...

Is Kratom Legal In Mississippi? MS Kratom Laws (2023)

Many people love to use Kratom. In most states, Kratom is not legal; the same is true in Mississippi. When you go on a vacation,...

What Are Mood Swings In Women And How To Manage Them Naturally

Mood Swings In Women Mood swings can impact an individual's routine. They affect work, relationships, and perception. It causes a person to feel no control...

Feeling Stressed? The Top 3 Kratom Products

Have you been feeling extra stressed lately? Believe it or not, you're far from alone. With the constant push to do more in less...

Kanna vs Kratom- How Both Share Similarities And Differences

The herbal industry is flourishing with tons of products as more and more people want to enhance their health. You must know which product...

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