HomeCBD Oil Brands, Reviews, Ratings, Analysis5 Best CBD Oils For Weight Loss - Cut...

5 Best CBD Oils For Weight Loss – Cut Your Belly Fat

You probably like eating a lot if you’re reading this article (CBD Oil For Weight Loss). Worry not, if you’re anything like me, then you must have struggled almost whole life dealing with food. All those Sunday brunches, dinner buffets, and above all the freshly baked sweet cravings is hard to look away from.

Perhaps, you must not have realized until you noticed those extra popping side fat bumps. So, if you are trying to lose weight, you possibly heard people suggesting to switch to greens. But, in this article I want you to sit tight and pay heed attention to a special green plant – Cannabis!

No we are not advocating marijuana, or smoking it would help, instead, this article would take you to the next level of satisfaction by knowing that CBD oil can help you lose weight! You heard it right, this miracle oil from cannabis sativa plant is revolutionary in shedding those extra pounds if you hate working out!

Many evidence and scientific studies have been carried out to help people discover the new ways to facilitate the weight loss. Recent studies have linked the association between weight loss and CBD oil.

The association between CBD oil and weight loss is confusing. It is also known for increasing appetite while on the other hand for reducing the waist and lowering down the BMI or Body Mass Index in consumers.

The 5 Top CBD Oils For Weight Loss

We have contemplated some of the best online shops that provide reliable CBD oil products without claiming any false promises!

1. CBDPure – A Must Try Brand For Weight Loss – http://www.cbdpure.com/

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CBDPure extracts 100% pure, premium quality CBD oil from organically grown hemp all the way from Denmark.

The company supply hemp in liquid form and as effective dietary supplements. Ensuring legal, safe and top quality standard CBD products.

  • Pros- CBDPure Hemp oil is available in bottles ranges in 100mg, 300mg and 600 mg for your convenience. 90-day guarantee by CBDPure shows the care for their consumers.
  • Cons- The products from CBDPure are not cheap.

2. CBDfx – https://cbdfx.com/

CBDfx CBD Oil Reviews

CBDfx is invading the online market by its attractive packaging, Non-GMO, gluten-free and 100% vegan CBD products.

Full spectrum, cannabinoids, rich in terpenes, amino acids, and fatty acids.

  • Pros-they provides a wide variety of CBD accessories, vape kits for their vape using customers. Along with many other CBD oil products.
  • Cons- Their products are in the higher range.

3. Verified Weight Loss Spray – https://verifiedcbd.com/

Verified CBD

Verified CBD is a premium manufacturer of organic CBD oil products.

They claim to provide the highest quality, and purest of CBD products using state of the art technology, medical professionals that assist in comprehension research and work in House Chemist and formulating R&D Team.

Verified CBD also leads the industry when it comes to value for money, safety, and product innovation. Also, encouraging strict policy, they formulate, extract and process GMO-free CBD oil products in the US.

  • Pros- VerifiedCBD provides an interesting range of CBD products. From oils, sprays, and capsules. They too have an eye-grabbing discount right now.
  • Cons- VerifiedCBD has limited stalked.

4. Beyond Botanicals Hemp CBD – https://www.beyondbotanicals.com/

Beyond Botanicals CBD Oil Vendor Review

Beyond Botanicals are not new in the industry, they use organic American hemp and apply supercritical carbon dioxide method for oil extraction. You can get the best quality CBD products at reasonable prices.

The privately owned company provide a wide variety of CBD in forms such as liquids, vapes, edibles, and tincture, isolate, topical and massage oil.

  • Pros- They claim GMO-free and 3rd party laboratory test CBD products.
  • Cons- Leaving the slightest margin, the CBD isolates are 99% pure.

5. All PurCBD Weight Loss Hemp Oil –  https://allpurcbd.com/

All PurCBD Reviews

All PurCBD is the father of CBD oil manufacturers in the industry. Their products have visible outcomes stated by most of their customers.

Having said that, PurCBD provides top-notch premium quality products that are sourced from the finest grown cannabis plant fields globally.

  • Pros – PurCBD provides CBD oil products such as liposomes, oral applicators, balms, protein powder, and also CBD for the dog treat.
  • Cons – PurCBD is quite an expensive product sellers.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil comes from the cannabis sativa plant by the critical extraction process. Cannabidiol is at least one of the active 113 cannabinoids present in cannabis. Accounting for 40% extract, it is a major phytocannabinoid.

Since CBD oil makes most of the people confused and they tend to misunderstand the concept. So, making it easier for you, CBD does not have psychoactive effects than that of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that particularly creates “high” feeling in its users.

What is the Mechanism Action of CBD oil?

CBD oil has an impact on metabolism through the (fat browning) which resulted in the discovery of the correlation between weight loss and CBD oil among the users.

The CBD oil has an interaction with the endocannabinoid system due to which the CBD oil aids in regulating the calorie and energy balance along with fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

The CBD oil interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the body to help in weight loss.

CBD oil As An Appetite Suppressant

Studies were conducted to find the association between weight loss and CBD, mentioned in the Scientific Journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.

It concluded about the effects of CBD consumption on the immature fat cells or preadipocytes to find out the benefits of the prevention and treatment of obesity. The CB lead to the following effects:

  • The CBD oil stimulates proteins and genes to enhance the breakdown along with oxidation of fats.
  • It increases the activity and number of mitochondria which helps in burning the calories.
  • The CBD oil aids in reducing the protein expression involved in the fat cell production or lipogenesis.

During the fat browning process, the CBD converts the white adipose or fatty tissues into the brown or beige coloured adipose tissues.

The white tissues aid in storing energy while the brown adipose tissues assist in burning body energy.

Hence, it is the fat browning process which helps in reducing the weight by the consumption of CBD oil.

Other studies also concluded that CBD oil also helped in the improvement of glucose tolerance.

CBD helps the body to release toxins which is beneficial for the protection of organs. It aids in eliminating the harmful toxins from the body which assist in burning fats and eliminating the need to store the high content of lipids in the body.

How Does CBD Oil Help in Losing Weight?

For those of us who struggle with eating problems, CBD oil is considered to curb those cravings. The exact mechanism behind is still debatable, however, there are visible reasons why many professionals think that CBD oil really helps.

The combination of low blood pressure, stress relief, and an increased feeling of satisfaction might be the reasons to limit our appetite craze.

Basically, human body combat stress by dealing with hormones and for some people, happy hormones are triggered when we eat. So this cycle of confusion is let down by using CBD oil.

1) CBD Enhanced Fat Breakdown

CBD oil stimulates fat burning mechanism that Korean scientists have recently researched upon. In their study, they contemplated that CBD oil helps to enhance the genes which are particularly responsible for fat oxidation (breakdown), escalate mitochondrial activity, and decreases lipogenesis (the creation of new fat cells).

Hence, in simple words, scientists determined that CBD oil can play an essential role in breaking down the stubborn fat cells more efficiently when incorporated into your lifestyle.

Through this miracle oil, the body finds it more difficult lining or creating new fat cells. Obviously, that does not mean you should pig-out while gulping the CBD drops.

A proper lifestyle management along with healthy diet, exercise and daily usage of CBD oil can benefit you to lose the extra pounds that are not usually easy to burn!

2) CBD In Blood Sugar Management

Another study was very well put especially for people struggling with diabetes and weight gain.

Must Read:  Where To Buy CBD Oil in British Columbia?

Since sugar craving is as dangerous as cocaine addiction, the scientists had to research the benefits of CBD oil for diabetic individuals.

Although the exact science behind the mechanism of CBD on blood sugar is still being researched, some scientists have documented that CBD does control diabetes by decreasing insulin resistance.

Obesity and diabetes is a deadly combination which creates insulin resistance in the body that in return trigger more fat absorption.

Since bringing on food is a detrimental concept especially in this era when food is everywhere, it can really play negative games with your health. Studies were conducted to find the exact reason and association between CBD and weight loss.

On blood sugar management, many studies were documented in the Scientific Journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, stating that CBD oil consumption increases the mitochondrial activity which helps in burning the calories. Also, CBD oil can stimulate genes and proteins to increase the breakdown of fat cells.

Furthermore, the shocking discovery about CBD oil contemplated the real reason of weight loss by efficiently alleviating protein expression involved in the lipogenesis or fat cell production.

A few visible mechanisms surprised scientists when they found out how CBD convert white adipose (fatty) tissues into brown color tissues. Making it apparent that brown adipose tissues assist in burning body energy.

Hence, with CBD oil consumption, the fat browning process helps in decreasing the weight as well as improves the glucose tolerance in the body.

3) CBD in Flushing out Toxins

Through researches, scientists found that CBD helps release certain toxin from the body which is beneficial for the optimal health of organs. It assists in eliminating harmful toxins from the body which aid in fat burning and obliterating the storage of high content of lipids in the system.

How Much CBD Oil For Weight Loss?

Weight loss through CBD is not magic that can make you slim in no time, but it can certainly make you feel better, and aid in losing weight if you follow the healthy regimen. There are some basic key points any individual starting a weight loss lifestyle can adhere to.

  • While starting a CBD incorporated routine, you have to decide the method of CBD oil consumption. It is available in the form of edibles, capsules, vape and etc.
  • Finding an appropriate ration between THC and CBD is also a crucial step to make sure you get the desired medicinal effects.
  • Always start with a low to moderate dose to judge your body’s reaction on the first.
  • It’s good to start with a small dose for at least three times a day.
  • Observe the effects of CBD and adjust the dosage according to your body need. Look for the adverse effects.
  • Although there are minimal to no adverse effects of CBD in the human body, it is still important not to overdose with CBD oil.

A body chart from is designed according to person’s weight and conditions just to let you help with the “starting point” before taking the CBD oil for weight loss.

ConditionPerson Size 2-25lbsPerson Size 26-45lbsPerson Size 46-85lbsPerson Size 86-150lbsPerson Size 151-240lbsPerson Size 241+lbs
Mild Range4.5mg6mg9mg12mg18mg22.5mg
Medium Range6mg9mg12mg15mg22.5mg30mg
Severe Range9mg12mg15mg18mg27mg45mg

What Scientific Studies On CBD Oil For Weight Loss?

A science-related product is always on the verge of confusion among individuals who want to try but afraid of the effects.

In the study of The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults published in the American Journal of Medicine documented the marijuana users showed 16% lower fasting insulin levels, furthermore added with smaller waist circumferences of its users than past users.

Another research on endocannabinoid system in abdominal obesity and implications for cardiovascular risk documented that significant role of endocannabinoid system in maintaining glucose levels, energy balance, and lipoprotein metabolism is visibly found in the human and animal system.

Through the modulation of this system, the evidence on clinical-trials showed endocannabinoid-receptor blockade resulted in improvement of visceral and subcutaneous abdominal adipose (fat) tissue formation.

Since endocannabinoid system plays an important role in dealing with CBD oil, another study on obesity, type 2 diabetes, and endocannabinoid system comprehensively explained that this miracle system participates in controlling lipid and glucose metabolism, and possible accumulation of energy as fat.

In most cases of obesity, the EC system dysregulates or its overactive phenomenon leads to excess visceral fat accumulation. Hence, taking CBD enhances the performance of EC system that in return works smoothly and manage unrestrained fat accumulation in the body.

Success Stories Of Using CBD Oil For Weight Loss

Frankel from Green Bridge Medical claims that CBD does reduce appetite. According to him, THC triggers hedonic over-eating, making CBD safe for people specifically finding solutions for weight loss.

Frankel invited two of his friends and tried observing the results of CBD. To his surprise, when he and his friends just before dinner squeezed two drops of CBD oil under tongues, they were blown to the fact that an hour later they weren’t feeling hungry as they used to be before using CBD.

Another CBD user believed that she lost 20lbs over 11 weeks, because of her religious use of CBD oil. According to her, CBD helped her achieving the caloric deficit by dealing with her anxiety levels and appetite suppressant. Overall Amanda is a happy user of CBD and also encourages people to give it a try.

Best CBD Oil Form For Better Weight Loss Results

Through our research, the best form of CBD oil for assisting in weight loss is to take CBD as oral drops via sublingual region; under the tongue.

Tincture also helps in reaching the bloodstream the quickest way when taken via the sublingual pathway as compared to engulfing. It usually takes 60 seconds to 1 minute to reach the system surpassing the metabolic process.

The other method that is beneficial for people who prefer smoking is CBD oil vaping. Through vaping, the CBD particles reach directly into the lungs in the fastest and accurate way while maintaining the bioavailability of CBD oil.

However, all this will work only if you indulge in a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, and regular exercise along with a religious usage of CBD oil. This compound will help you achieve the weight loss goal, transform your body and deliver some visible health benefits.

Reasons for Losing Weight With CBD Oil

The content of the CBD oil aids in suppressing appetite. In 2012, research was published by the British scientists that some cannabinoids have a suppressant effect on appetite.

Cannabinoids are the types of active compounds present in the Cannabis. A test was conducted on male rats using three cannabinoids:

  1. CBD – cannabidiol
  2. CBN – cannabinol
  3. CBG – cannabigerol

According to the study, all three Cannabinoids had different effects. The CBN was found to increase the appetite because of the breakdown of THC. While, CBD reduced the appetite leading to less chewing period in rats. The Cannabinoids help in managing the blood sugar levels.

Some researchers think that Cannabis-based products help in the management of diabetes.

According to a study, conducted in 2013, the Cannabis products helped in controlling the blood sugar levels. It was found that the Cannabinoids aid in treating the obesity-related glucose intolerance.

Few cannabis strains result in sedation or grogginess. You need to find a perfect type which helps you stay attentive, alert and focus on the task. The Cannabis helps you in motivation to get up and walk after dinner.

Few strains which are effective for weight loss:

  • Cannatonic (high CBD content)
  • Harlequin (high CBD content)
  • XJ-13 (high THCV content)
  • Sour Tsunami (high in CBD)
  • Durban Poison (high THCV)

Final Thoughts

Many natural options are available for reducing the weight and CBD oil is one of them. However, bear in mind that CBD oil should be consumed at low doses to help in losing weight otherwise high dosage might result in weight gain.

It is because of the reason that overactivation of endocannabinoid system results in the chances of obesity. A metabolic dysfunction occurs if CBD oil is overused.

Find the best CBD oil for weight loss as different types are available with varying strengths and for various concerns.


Kristie Leong
Kristie Leong is a medical writer, researcher and a blogger with 13+ years of experience. She maintains her own personal health blog as well. She owns knowledge base that covers a wide range of medical fields and she loves to express her health knowledge through her words. Expert in medical marijuana, CBD oil, Kratom, Kava, Matcha and other botanical.

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