HomeKratomA Review on BestKratom.com By RedStorm Scientific

A Review on BestKratom.com By RedStorm Scientific

Whether we admit it or not, looking for the best place to buy Kratom products — online or physical stores can be such a PITA and scary even. More than a handful of shops have popped-up out of nowhere with claims that are sometimes too good to be true.

This was my horror when I first tried using the natural medicinal benefits of Kratom. I am a Kratom advocate for more than three years now after it saved me from depression after losing everything I had from a fire.

I came across Best Kratom when one of my friends introduced me to the site. Back then, they offer discounts to anyone who can refer a friend (I’m not sure if they still do) and he sent me an email saying I should try it. I have my fair share of troubles of buying online in the past, so I was hesitant at first. However, during that period I had some issues with the physical store I was getting my Kratom from and decided to try it.

I have never looked back, since. Here are the factors which I considered to review this vendor.

Factor #1 Best Source of Kratom

As we know, farmers produce kratom. Every plant has expiration time as its effects gradually fade out with time. The same happens with kratom after its leaves are taken off from the plant. The sooner we use it, the more effects we get.

It is advantageous to contact farmers directly and make a deal for kratom. It is useful in terms of money, and the company gets high-quality kratom as it is directly from farmers. Best Kratom vendors get their kratom from the farmers of Southeast Asia. The strain which we have tested was from Sumatra Island, and it smelled terrific — fresh to us.

Factor #2 Variety of Kratom

Kratom strains are made, and people love to taste all the varieties because each one is unique in taste. Mostly kratom strains are available in green, red, white and yellow colors and names assigned to those strains are mainly of the regions from where they are grown.

These are the varieties of kratom strains available on BestKratom website and details are as follows.

  1. Maeng Da kratom (white, red, green)
  2. Malay Kratom
  3. Borneo Kratom (red, green, white)
  4. Bali Kratom (red, green, white)
  5. Sumatra Kratom (all three colors)
  6. Thai Kratom (all three colors)
  7. Horn Kratom (all three colors)

Kratom Packs are also available in the combination of kratom strains provided in one single package. Some of the available kratom packs are as follows. To know what included in those packs, check the website for detailed information.  

  • Kratom Beginner’s Pack
  • Yellow Vietnam Kratom
  • Kratom Sedating Red Pack
  • Kratom Relaxing Green Pack
  • Kratom Energizing White Pack

Available Kratom Extracts on the Best Kratom are:

  • Full Spectrum Maeng Da Kratom Extract
  • Red Indo Kratom Extract
  • Green Indo Kratom Extract
  • White Indo Kratom Extract

Factor #3 Ethical Consumerism

This is a crucial factor which needs to be followed by consumers. Companies should also be ethical in their ways of doing business. There are several vital points which proves that Best kratom vendor is an ethical Company.

Farmers are not cheated or given low prices because the company is directly making a deal with them. So, they will get a decent income for their hard work. The Kratom received is checked in labs, and only excellent high-quality kratom processed for the next steps — no chemicals added during the process.

BestKratom.com sells the kratom strains at nominal prices, offers and discounts further attract the consumers. The packaging is in regular boxes, and they are against the products that harm nature. Ethical consumerism benefits the environment and people too as they can choose to buy in companies which follow ethical methods and Best Kratom is an ethical kratom vendor.  

Factor #4 Lab testing of Kratom Products:

As discussed above, the Kratom is imported directly from farmers of South East Asia. They tested in labs for any damage or quality reduction due to various reasons. High-quality kratom leaves are filtered out. They will be gone through several tests and are used for manufacturing kratom strains only if the kratom obtained passes all tests.

No other chemicals for either prolonged life or artificial taste are added. All strains that are available as Kratom powder or extracts in the website are purely natural. Company is in the top position due to its quality kratom strains. New users who try for the first time will be repurchasing kratom from this vendor due to their maintenance in quality. 

BestKratom, at least for me, embodies their own site’s name, which is merely being the “best” Kratom source out there. Their service is top-notch, and the quality of Kratom strains and products they offer are by far the best ones I have tried and believe me – there are differences.


I have been using the Green Vein Kratom ever since, and that’s the one I always order because of its balanced effects. BestKratom offers both the Green Vein Thai and Green Vein Sumatra, to which I was not aware that these classifications exist! I ordered Green Vein, and that’s it, but on the site, I was introduced to these two, and they even offered a free sample of the other variant when I hesitated at first.

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BestKratom gets their products from their own network of farmers and producers from Southeast Asia, ensuring that what they offer is 100% natural. They also have the most excellent packaging I ever encountered, which makes it look more premium and not just another runaway medicine from China.


BestKratom also offers fast delivery of products ordered online. Some are even next-day deliveries and with complete transparency as to where your orders at. They use almost all delivery services of your preference and issue tracking number so you can check the details of your package as well.

BestKratom also has a free delivery offer to those who purchase products worth $99 and up. This is great for those looking to save more on bulk orders. They also ship the products in robust packaging to withstand any delivering conditions to make sure that the products reach you as if they came straight from the shelves.


One of my many issues of ordering online is the lack of human interaction. I always find it more convincing when I get the chance to talk to a salesperson. I always check my purchase and ask questions (sometimes too many that I come across irritating to some attendants) until I am convinced that this is a good purchase.

BestKratom is an online store – but it doesn’t feel like it. I’m not sure I can give justice by just writing here what I experienced from them. They made me feel like I am buying from a physical store rather than just talking to some bots that have pre-recorded answers to queries.

They are very approachable, well-mannered and even guided me before and after my purchase. They sometimes offer some products, but it doesn’t feel like they’re upselling you. This one time, they even told me that they have a beginner’s pack where I can try all strains for a lesser cost. The other one introduced me to the classification of Red Vein and Green Vein and even sent me some materials to read and learn more about them.

They really are a people-person — don’t feel like they are after the sales but with your satisfaction. They also communicate regularly, notifying you the status of your delivery.


Best Kratom also has the cleanest and most user-friendly website for an online store I have ever used. The site has no annoying pop-ads and vague information that tries to upsell you. The manner of ordering is as easy as dropping your items in a cart.

The most important thing to consider when buying online is security. BestKratom got this down perfectly. There are many payment options that you can use, and all your transactions during checkout are under tight web-security (look for a lock symbol on the URL when sharing confidential information). The best thing for me, however, is they offer you to review your purchases before confirming your payment. This way, you can be sure that there are no items added by accident and that everything you intended to buy is in there. This is really helpful, especially for me who’ve had a handful of experiences purchasing items in error.

THE NEGATIVES of Best Kratom

Well, not everything is perfect so goes the saying. BestKratom is still the best for me, but it is not absent of one or two items that can be a negative thing, depending on how you view it.

I have been an avid customer of the site for more than a year, and I have never encountered an error in my delivery, nor a subpar product delivered. I, however, feel like the site could use a little help in letting people know that a product is unavailable. I don’t know if they had addressed this already (I believe they had), but it’s good knowing that there might be instances like this.

The other thing that can be a negative thing to others, especially for those who doesn’t know a thing or two about Kratom, is that the site offers a lot of strain and variety and to some, this can be very intimidating. However, this can quickly be eliminated by reading first what you want or asking them about it first – their excellent customer service can be a lot of help.

One last thing, although this is a bit nitpicky, their customer service is not available 24/7, and you may not get an immediate response when communicating. There might be a reason behind this since they are just people like us, but wouldn’t it be a nice thing to have?

Final Thoughts

As said, there is no perfect place to buy Kratom. Perfection is not something that you can achieve but something that you aim for. For me, BestKratom has the qualities of being the best online Kratom store, and I have my fair good experiences to back it up.

The decision still rests on you, and there is no harm in researching and looking for the best one. That is actually a good practice as it educates you of what is out there, and by reading this, you are on the right path.

Ruth Hadfield
Ruth has been a freelance medical writer for the past five years, ranging from academic papers to blog posts to magazine articles. Her speciality is writing product reviews and medical instruments. Besides writing she is a registered nurse with a bachelor’s degree, living in New York with her mother.

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