HomeCannabisBest Cannabis Strains for Erectile Dysfunction

Best Cannabis Strains for Erectile Dysfunction

Cannabis strains are becoming increasingly popular because they have different qualities which makes them different from other types of marijuana strains available in the market.
Marijuana has been widely used since earlier days to offer relief for chronic pain.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a type of cannabinoid that is found naturally in the marijuana or cannabis plant. THC is often present in a cannabis strain, and the higher the tetrahydrocannabinol level, the more common the cannabis strain would be.

A variety of research has been conducted that shows that cannabis can help with a range of medical problems, such as anxiety, arthritis, chronic pain, epilepsy, and even erectile dysfunction.

The results produced by different kinds of cannabis strains differ, and may also be utilized for specific purposes.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that many men struggle from every year. This can be treated easily and doesn’t have to be a persistent problem.

According to research conducted, by adding tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – a chemical contained in the cannabis plant into the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the body, men may be able to overcome any sexual dysfunction.

In many states where marijuana is legal, patients can acquire cannabis strains for treating anxiety, erectile dysfunction, chronic pain, and other physical issues.

Let’s see some basic facts about erectile dysfunction and the possible role of cannabis in treating it.

How Does An Erectile Dysfunction Happen?

Around 18% to 76.5% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction, according to the study done by Selvin et al.

Erectile Dysfunction happens when a person is unable to get or sustain an erection necessary for sexual activity.

It is often referred to as impotence. Several men struggle with erectile dysfunction each year.

If it happens frequently, it can be a result of health problems that should be consulted by a doctor.

Many doctors have been taking different approaches to address the multiple factors that can cause erectile dysfunction and some of them have produced excellent results.

An erection occurs as a result of the circulation of blood into your penis. Usually, blood circulation is spurred either through sexually intrusive thoughts or through close interaction with the penis.

The erection stops as muscles contract and the blood that is accumulated circulates into the penile veins. So, it’s important for you to go through a proper diagnosis and treatment procedures.

Currently, several kinds of research are being conducted to link the relationship between cannabis strains and erectile dysfunction, as there are already certain vitamins for erectile dysfunction available in the market.

It is pertinent to remember that erectile dysfunction also occurs due to several health conditions like diabetes, anxiety, hormone imbalances, cholesterol, and many other factors.

That is why having a proper diagnosis from your doctor will help achieve the best results.

How Does Cannabis Help?

We just offer information after consulting medical literature. For a proper diagnosis and treatment, make sure to consult your doctor.

According to the research, cannabinoids, which are the chemicals usually present in the cannabis plant, act as receivers inside the brain, similar to marijuana, and are effective in alleviating pain, or other health problems.

These cannabis strains are typically divided into three separate categories; Indica, Sativa, and hybrid.

Different varieties of cannabis will have a different impact on the body. For example, the Indica strain is preferred by many people as it tends to have a calming effect on the brain.

However, Sativa produces a stimulating and energetic effect on the brain. Hybrid strain gives the effect of both combined.

Cannabis can help in treating erectile dysfunction as it is known for increasing sexual desire, and it also helps in minimizing the body’s cholesterol level.

Cannabis is known to alleviate people’s moods and enhance sexual activity arousal.

However, as with many drugs, cannabis has clear effects and drawbacks as well. Its short term effects involve pain relief, impaired sensations, mood swings, mobility weakness, trouble thinking.

According to data gathered by a health organization, men feel more sexually aroused after smoking cannabis or taking vitamins for erectile dysfunction.

Our aim is to guide you better towards the link between the effects of cannabis strains for erectile dysfunction.

When cannabinoid receptors are activated in the brain, they tend to have a very stimulating effect. The increased level of THC in a cannabis strain will end up having a significant effect on the body as it enters the bloodstream, and particularly the penis.

5 Best Cannabis Strains

There are many health benefits of using cannabis products to treat common ailments, like anxiety, pain relief, and erectile dysfunction.

Must Read:  What Is CBN And What Are The Cannabinol Effects?

The different types of cannabis strains are used for both medical and recreational purposes. We have curated a list of 5 best cannabis strains that can help prevent erectile dysfunction.

1) Blue Dream

Blue Dream is one of the most widely used cannabis strains. Blue Dream was initially found in California, it is a kind of Sativa dominant hybrid, which is a mix between Indica blueberry and a Sativa, Haze.

It contains increased THC levels, with amounts varying from 17-24 percent. It provides a relaxing and stimulating effect on the whole body. It can’t be termed as a sleep inducer but it is known to relax nerves, alleviate pain, etc. It instantly lifts a person’s mood.

2) Sour Diesel

Sour Diesel is a Sativa dominant hybrid cannabis strain that can leave you feeling euphoric and energetic.

It contains almost 22% of THC that leaves a strong effect on the mind. It can help people with erectile dysfunction, as a few hits of this can help men enhance their sexual experience.

It has a strong lasting effect on the mind of the individuals, so it is preferred by many cannabis users. This common cannabis strain offers uplifting and positive results, which are proven to fight off stress, and tiredness.

Sour Diesel is known for instantly uplifting moods, and leave the user in an energetic mood.

3) OG Kush

OG Kush is among the best-known cannabis strains available in the market. It is renowned for its increased THC levels that can go up to 26%.

Often known for stimulating intense pleasure and euphoria, OG Kush has a peaceful and relaxing impact on the mind.

It is sought after by many individuals due to increased psycho-activity levels, which have significant medicinal benefits as well. It has helped patients with depression and pain relief.

4) Blue Cheese

Blue Cheese is widely known to leave its users in a euphoric state of mind. With THC levels of 20%, this Indica dominant hybrid has a wonderful taste, which leaves the individual excited without feeling drowsy.

It can help men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, as is known to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety that they would need before indulging in any sort of sexual activity.
This cannabis strain helps take it away by easing your nerves.

5) Jack Herer

Jack Herer is a Sativa-dominant hybrid that contains up to 23% of THC levels. It is a cross of Haze, Shiva Skunk, and Northern Lights.

It probably originated from the Netherlands, where it was used significantly for its medical benefits.

It contains reduced levels of CBG and CBD, which helps in fighting fatigue, stress, and pain relief.

And it would leave the person feeling relaxed, happy, and ready for sexual activity. It also contains an increased level of limonene, a terpene known for fighting depression.

Vitamins For Erectile Dysfunctions

We have offered a detailed guide on how erectile dysfunctions can be a result of health problems.

Research suggests that vitamins can help also in treating erectile dysfunctions, as they can lead to men having healthier erections.

But due to lack of strong evidence that vitamins help in treating erectile dysfunction, many companies stop themselves from selling vitamins that entail it will treat ED.

However, taking vitamins will help you keep your body healthy. If you are vitamin deficient, it is important to take supplements that will improve your overall health.

For example, according to the study conducted in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that an increasing number of men who suffered from erectile dysfunction were Vitamin D deficient.

So, Vitamin D may be a potent choice to help with erectile dysfunction.

So, it is important to get your blood tests done to find out what vitamin supplements you should be taking to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Final Thoughts

Erectile dysfunction may be caused by one or many health problems. It is important to get a proper diagnosis done by a doctor, so you know how to improve your sexual performance.

With little research conducted on the correlation between cannabis strains and prevention of erectile dysfunction, so far it has proven to have a positive impact on individuals suffering from such issues.

If you’re someone who suffers from erectile dysfunction frequently, it is pertinent to get proper treatment for it, and one of the possible ways is to give high-quality cannabis strain a try!

Kristie Leong
Kristie Leong is a medical writer, researcher and a blogger with 13+ years of experience. She maintains her own personal health blog as well. She owns knowledge base that covers a wide range of medical fields and she loves to express her health knowledge through her words. Expert in medical marijuana, CBD oil, Kratom, Kava, Matcha and other botanical.

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