HomeCBDA Detailed Guide To CBD For Hair Loss

A Detailed Guide To CBD For Hair Loss

In modern times, CBD has skyrocketed in popularity after the Cannabis legalization has spread like wildfire across US states.

Now, with more and more people resorting to use of CBD, the stigma and misconceptions surrounding the plant has dramatically taken a back-seat.

Lately, numerous researches and studies have now emerged pointing out the possibility of CBD for rendering topical treatment for scalp conditions and stimulating hair growth — a comparatively lesser-known benefit.

Gosh!! What a fantastic time to live in!

For those who are still lingering in the dark, it’s high time to educate them about CBD’s miraculous medical properties for hair.

Do you know that on average one-third of women in the United States undergo the chilling hair fall phase at least once in their lifetime? A more than 40% of males experience noticeable hair loss by the tender age of 35 that steadily goes up to 80% till the age of 80? An average 100,000 hair follicles scalp sheds between 50 to 100 hairs every day?

As is evident, hair loss is an everyday battle for those who face it — igniting an ongoing cycle of the frustration of not being able to be open about it, or spending endless hours to hide it through creative hairstyling, or merely looking strands of strands going down the shower drain.

Consequently, they fall prey to the overwhelmingly-hyped and exorbitant hair treatments and transplant procedures. It was reported that the number of hair loss victims seeking professional clinical treatments world-wide doubled from 361,077 in 2004 to 811,363 in 2008 and is still on the rise.

Perhaps, what is more, alarming is the fact that most of these sufferers are not aware of scientifically and medically-proven natural hair loss remedies and medications. One such natural, simple and effective solution to this maddening condition is CBD.

Yep! You right it Right, CBD works for hair growth.

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What is CBD?

CBD, aka Cannabidiol, is one of the 113 identified compounds derived from the cannabis plant. First discovered in 1940, it constitutes up to 40% of the plant’s extract.

It can be taken into the body via numerous ways such as inhaling cannabis smoke or vapor, applying CBD oil, lotion or cream on the skin, spraying aerosol into the cheek or directly consuming it through the mouth. Unlike THC, it is non-psychoactive for the most part and doesn’t feature the ‘high’ effect.

This is because all the legally sold CBD in the US is extracted from the industrial hemp rather than marijuana as the latter involves THC yield of up to 30%. On the other hand, as mandated by the 2018 Form Act, the industrial hemp must essentially incorporate less than 3% THC. To learn more about the health benefits of CBD click here.

Fingers-crossed: Good Hair Days Are Ready To Roll In!

Essential Nutrients in CBD For Healthy Hair

One of the primary reasons why CBD is widely touted by scientists, researchers and consumers across the globe is because it possesses a wealth of essential nutrients that act as a potential hair loss solution. Let’s explore how the various nutrients present in Cannabidiol helps hair nourishment:

1) Amino Acids

As you might have studied or read at some point in time, every single strand of our hair is made of protein.

Do you know that 88% of your hair is made of Keratin, i.e. a protein formed from 18 different amino acids?

Protein is of utmost significance to better hair as it builds up collagen and elastin. This, in turn, strengthens hair and its follicles and prevents breakage- thereby making our hair looking smoother and thicker. Equally important are the red blood cells that supply oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles.

And surprisingly, CBD contains all the 21 amino acids that are the driving force of protein formation as well as red-blood-cell production.

2) Fatty Acids

As surprising as it might sound, but our body doesn’t naturally produce Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that are vital to hydrate hair and prevent moisture loss.

The only way out is to acquire them from external sources. And CBD oil, for one, is high in fatty acids which are found in the 1/4 ratio according to a research conducted at the University of Seville.

In addition, CBD is particularly found to contain optimal levels of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that regulates blood circulation to the scalp to combat hair loss.

3) Antioxidants

On top of all, CBD promises an exhaustive supply of Vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium that work as antioxidants.

These help to keep the hair damage, dryness and frizz caused by pollution-induced free radicals at bay and maintains its shine and vibrancy for long.

Type of CBD Hair Care Products

Want to know the secret weapon(s) for a Dashing Hair Day?

CBD Hair Care Product(s) it is!

Even though you might find them a bit on the costly side as compare to your routine products, but believe me, they are worth every single penny!!

After all, Your Hair Define You! So, Give Them that Equal Investment and Attention!

The best part is: the rampant cannabis legalization has made access to these products to the general public comfortable and convenient more than ever before!

Following we have included a run-down of all the varieties of CBD Hair Care Products being offered in the market:

1) CBD Hair Oils

Sourced from CBD plant’s flowers and leaves, CBD oil works as an excellent ingredient to retain moisture and stimulate hair as well as skin growth with its unique properties.

Therefore, many haircare, skincare, and cosmetics brands choose to add Oil containing high concentrations of CBD in their range of products.

CBD Oils Are All One Could Ask For!

Please bear in mind that CBD hair oil may not be legally sold in all States depending on the Cannabis Regulations being followed in the region. In contrast, the Hemp seed oil is extracted from the plant’s seeds and so legal everywhere.

Although, the effects of hemp seed oil aren’t as powerful as those found in CBD oil. According to where you live, try to opt for CBD-infused products versus just hemp seed oil products.

2) CBD Hair Shampoos

For all the poor souls out there, who have to put an everyday battle with dry, brittle or frizzy hair, CBD Shampoos are the ultimate solution.

These intense daily shampoos use the power of CBD oil to achieve impeccable cleansing, add a robust layer of protection, calm scalp irritations, boost volume, increase moisture, enhance shine, and we could literally go on and on forever!

Also, being sourced from the cannabis plant, it is a natural treatment that minimizes potential allergens, filters or non-toxic ingredients.

3) CBD Hair Conditioners

It is very common for our hair to get damaged after being exposed to harmful environmental factors or even after frequent use of styling products. If you are worried about dry, itchy scalps and subsequent hair fall, then give these CBD-infused conditioners a shot.

And Let’s Make Your Hair Regimen To The Next Level!

The ultra-hydrating formulae are specifically designed to moisturize and repair hair and help them grow thicker, stronger, longer and healthier that is sure to turn heads.

Tip: For best results, use conditioner together with a CBD shampoo and witness wonders.

4) Other CBD Hair Products

With an army of CBD Hair-care Products hitting the market today, the industry has expanded to an astonishing level past only shampoos and conditioners.

Brands are now incessantly manufacturing CBD hair masks, CBD scalp therapies, CBD hair serums, CBD shine treatments and CBD detanglers for an absolute hair care regimen that incorporates CBD at every stage of the process- inside or outside the shower.

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Hair-Related Benefits of CBD

In today’s era, there hardly exists any individual who has not been a victim to at least one of the hair problems in their life.

This might be triggered due to several factors or underlying reasons- be it hormonal changes, menopause, a disease, pregnancy, stress, pollution or excessive styling.

The positive aspect is, the situation can be improved and the tables can be turned In your favor with a little more knowledge, care, self-love and the determination to fight it off.

Stop blaming yourself.

It’s natural…. perhaps inescapable.

When it comes to hair-health, CBD is a rising star and is steadily gaining popularity. So, let’s get down to how CBD oil for hair helps to combat common hair issues and why you should think about adding CBD products into your hair care routine:

1) CBD Oil For Hair Growth

Puff puff, are you again drooling at the sight of a healthy, butt-length hair?

Heck, we know the secret!

CBD-infused products lock in all the 21 amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants that are vital for hair and scalp nourishment.

When applied thoroughly, the product penetrates as far as the sebaceous glands and gets absorbed there.

Ultimately, the hair gets lubricated, the moisture is retained, and cuticles are sealed, which promotes a healthier environment for hair to grow- leaving you with the ultimate shine and color protection.

2) CBD Oil For Hair Loss

A good hair boosts your confidence to hold your head up high. On the contrary, thinning can deter you from giving your best!

Regardless of how unfortunate and helpless it may feel, but hair fall is an unavoidable part of life.

Often, it leaves impact far worse than what we have imagined- from leaving a question on our identity to shattering our self-confidence and disturbing our mental health.

In such times, CBD proves to be the only loyal companion.

Applying it on hair follicles increases blood circulation, which helps the nutrients to get swiftly delivered to the source. This, in turn, eradicates harmful toxins and suppresses inflammation surrounding the scalp region.

The other way round is to directly consume CBD oil as it averts anxiety and induces sleep which is also beneficial for the hair. In addition, evidence suggests that CBD oil controls our cortisol levels as high cortisol levels substantially contribute to hair loss.

3) CBD Oil For Dry Hair

Let’s face it: Nobody likes to garner pointed fingers and disgusted looks at the disheveled state of the hair.

Simply introduce one of the CBD hair care products in your daily routine If you are juggling with a dry, frizzy hair condition while trying to look your best at a party, date or conference.

The 21 amino acids are the building blocks of protein that help restore and strengthen each of our hair strands to promote a healthier looking head. Moreover, the antioxidants act as a shield against the harsh radicals entering our hair from the environment.

Must Read:  Thought Cloud CBD Oils Review

4) CBD As A Sebum Producer

CBD also incredibly boost sebum-producing glands surrounding each of our hair follicles. It interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system and secrets natural oils to lubricate and hydrate our hair for healthy growth. Hurray!!!

5) CBD Oil For Itchy Scalp

We are sure, one of the most grotesque things is to have a flaky scalp that feels terribly itchy.
(Admit it: Most of us have endured it!)

The good news is that regular use of CBD oil has proven to be effective in combatting dry, inflamed scalps which may occur due to environmental pollution, seasonal changes or an underlying medical condition such as dandruff, flakes, seborrheic dermatitis or eczema.

Fatty acids in CBD connect to receptors through the endocannabinoid system to calm down persistent inflammation and irritation in the hair and bring forth moisture to the hair shaft.

After all, a healthy scalp means healthy hair!!

Other Hair Loss Treatments

Life isn’t fair. Ugghh. While some are gifted with breath-taking beautiful hair that can be grown in no time, there are millions of others who have been deprived of the beauty.

Even worse, at times, a strange twist of fate causes rapid hair fall of the once stunning, healthy hair.

50% of women face hair loss. Are you one of them? Anyway, enough self-pity…

Now Is The Time To Take Action!

Today, there exist ample hair loss treatments possible in all corners of the world besides the abundant volume-boosting supplements, essential oils, shampoos, conditioners and hair serums available in the market. So, if you are hunting for a sustainable solution, some of the most popular treatments are highlighted below:

1) Hair Fibres

Let’s don’t underestimate the deceiving power of hair fibers. These tiny, charged particles might be the easiest and the most convenient way to hide the embarrassing bald patches or widening gaps. Offered in a wide array of colors, they get stick to the scalp until your next shower.

2) Surgical Treatments

The advancement of science and technology has benefitted the haircare industry too. Hair surgeons and dermatologists are increasingly opting for high-tech regrowth therapies. These include:

a) Laser Treatment: Exposing our hair to dim laser light, boost the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in hair follicles which in turn prompts hair growth in no time.

b) Micro-needling and Platelet-replacement Therapy: According to The Briars Aesthetics Centre, this cosmetic procedure involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles to create wounds. Ultimately the health of the hair follicles is regenerated that results in new hair growth. For best results, patients must opt for micro-needling in conjunction with platelet-replacement therapy to inject growth factors.

c) Hair Transplant: Most surgeons use the latest follicle-by-follicle technique to remove hair follicles from near the nape area of the neck (where there is an abundance of hair). They are then harvested and reimplanted into the affected area of the scalp.

The entire procedure takes 3 to 6 hours, and new hair growth is expected between 3 to 12 months interval of the treatment session.

3) Hair Mesotherapy (Also, referred to as Mesoplasty or Mesohair)

This is a non-invasive and non-surgical cosmetic hair restoration process used for decades to achieve dense-looking, drop-dead gorgeous heads of hair like never before.

Superficial microinjections containing amino acids, vitamins, and other pharmaceutical agents are injected directly below the epidermal layer of the skin.

This affects the mesoderm layer (present at a depth of 1 mm beneath the surface), epidermis, dermal connective tissues, body’s immune and neurosensory systems.

The procedure is based on the theory that most hair problems arise from the hormonal imbalances in the hair follicles and inadequate blood circulation.

Therefore, it aims to improve alopecia, regulate micro-circulation, provide essential nutrients, reduce follicles shrinkage and proliferate, regenerate and produce new hair.

The Best and Most Effective Type of CBD For Hair

In our quest to achieve lush, consistent hair growth, we can either consume CBD or apply it directly. However, one has to be picky in deciding which one to opt to get the best results. (Read: like thereof, our childhood fantasy, Rapunzel’s hair hanging down from the tower!)

a) The Best Type Of CBD Oil To Consume: Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil undoubtedly wins hands down to successfully restore luster and volume to falling hair.

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant in the purest, unadulterated form to retain all its potentially benefitting compounds, various synergistic nutrients, and all the natural properties.

Apart from the oil extract, it comes in a variety of forms such as Full-spectrum CBD tinctures, capsules and gummies.

A word of Caution: The Oil may be mixed with other well-researched ingredients to elevate the chances for lush, long hair.

Although, it might be difficult to trace out the origins, concentration, and ratio of these ingredients present in the product.

b) The Best Type Of CBD Oil To Apply: Micro-Encapsulated CBD Oil

Who prefers to have a bald, dry scalp? No matter how much we detest it, most of us have been there.

So, for all those whose hair has been falling like crazy and looks obnoxiously dull, apply one of the micro-encapsulated CBD oil directly to the hair follicles on the visibly affected areas.

As the name suggests, Micro-Encapsulation is the process in which CBD is broken down further into smaller particles so that it penetrates well under the skin and into the roots of hair follicles to promise maximum benefits, unlike the traditional oils that remain on the surface.

Again, the Oil may be blended with other revitalizing and hydrating haircare ingredients or natural nutrients to leave you with the ultimate awe-inspiring hair. And trust me, it doesn’t hurt to check and reconfirm (only from credible sources) the ingredients incorporated.

CBD From Hemp vs CBD From Cannabis For Hair

Pro-tip: Don’t get trapped by cunning marketing tactics. A cannabis label or image on a product doesn’t always imply CBD.

A lot of times, the formula involves hemp seed oil which doesn’t guarantee the same level of result as that of CBD. Following we will help you differentiate between the two.

While buying CBD products online or in-store, most of us have come across the terms CBD from hemp or CBD from Cannabis.

While the Hemp Seed Oil is a less-potent doppelgänger of CBD oil, there is a stark difference between the two. To help you understand their effect on our hair hygiene, we will first understand the difference in their origins and benefits:

a) Hemp Seed Oil Vs CBD Oil Sourcing

Most of the users are oblivion to the fact that marijuana and hemp are two completely distinct species of the cannabis plant.

The hemp plant is derived from cold-pressing the seeds of the cannabis plant and so doesn’t constitute THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid.

On the other hand, CBD is obtained from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the cannabis plant. It might contain trace amounts of THC and so may include the high-associated with THC.

It’s also worth remembering that pure hemp oil will never contain CBD whereas CBD oil can contain hemp when extracted from the hemp plant. As such, it can be labeled as “Hemp CBD Oil”.

There are also high chances for both the hemp oil and CBD oil to be sourced from the same plant. Nevertheless, they would still have different make-ups and impact.

b) Hemp Oil Vs CBD Oil Benefits

Hemp oil locks in high levels of Vitamin B, B1 B2, and E which keeps the mane healthy-looking and hydrated. It also contains healthy fatty acids as well as powerful antioxidants that posses age-fighting powers.

On the other hand, the medical and therapeutic benefits of CBD (past hair loss) are endless. The trace amounts of THC brings the high associated with it and so instills a sense of calm, peace and relief from pain.

Do you know that one of the most recognized factors for hair-loss is the inflammation of the scalp?

As such CBD acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent and is enriched with numerous essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, anti-aging antioxidants alongside fatty acids like omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, and linoleic acid. It also packs antibacterial properties to regulate the body’s sebum production naturally and helps achieve the best environment for the hair.

The Winner: CBD Shampoo vs Hemp Oil Shampoo

By now, we are sure that the readers can easily comprehend why CBD-infused hair care products take the lead from ordinary hemp oil products.

Although both are widely used in medicinal and cosmetic products for providing sustenance and cure, it is an undeniable truth that CBD oil addresses all hair and scalp complaints better than any hemp oil.

This is most likely because Hemp oil incorporates ingredients and compounds from the entire hemp plant, which dilutes CBD’s concentration.

This too promotes the overall health of the hair, but when compared to CBD, it fails to deliver the same range of advantages. For instance, CBD oil regulates blood flow all around the scalp region, binds itself to the natural receptors in the body for optimum functionality, alleviates inflammation, kills bacteria and reacts with our internal endocannabinoid system to balance out the hormonal changes, stimulate immunity and trigger sleep.

So, if you are on a hunt for utilizing the full potential and the synergy effect of CBD, one must get their hands on the real deal.

Key: Do your research on the best CBD Hair Product Brands beforehand and inspect the label carefully or buy only from the most trusted companies. Check our guide on the best CBD-infused products for women here.


Having shed light on the significant role of CBD towards hair nourishment, we would highly recommend our readers first to diagnose the precise reason for hair loss, baldness or hair thinning. And a professional diagnosis by a medical expert is undoubtedly the best way to address it. Also, kindly note that CBD is highly ineffective in treating genetic hair loss conditions such as Male Pattern Baldness or Female Pattern Hair Loss (i.e. thinning of hair in the vertex area from the crown to the hairline). Needless to say, if you encounter any allergic symptoms or adverse reactions instantly seek medical expert advice.

So, Are You Ready To Try CBD For Hair Loss?

Christina Earle
Christina Earle is a licensed psychologist practicing in Oakland, California since 1999. She provides counseling to people who are struggling with managing stress, and anxiety related issues. In her free time, she often writes on mental health conditions that educate the individuals to explore ways of improving their health.

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