HomeCBDWhy Should You Consider CBD With Your Morning Coffee?

Why Should You Consider CBD With Your Morning Coffee?

Many among us are fans of coffee due to its mood-lifting and instant relaxing properties, but some people are fond of this rare combo which is almost new in fashion. You got it right; we are talking about the Cannabidiol and coffee combination. Both coffee and CBD take almost the same time to activate, and their effects last for up to 6 hours. This combination has turned out to be beneficial for many people, but does the question pop up in your mind regarding why should you consider CBD with your morning coffee?

Today, considering this confusion, we have decided to answer your queries about this strange duo. So, stay with us until we meet again at the end of this article.

Is It Safe To Drink Morning Coffee With CBD?

It is said that 2018 was a boom period for CBD as it was being acknowledged in many states. However, CBD, when obtained from Hemp, is safe and not otherwise. The research done on it is insufficient, due to which we can’t say for sure the effects of mixing CBD with coffee and if it is safe to be consumed with coffee. Moreover,  New York City’s health department states that CBD should not be added to edibles like coffee, treats, and other lattes.

According to a study, it is said that morning coffee and CBD both influence the same pathways in the brain. It depends on how much cannabis you consume because in a small dose, and if increased, it sedates. So, whether you drop its tincture or use CBD-filled coffee pods, ensure the dosage.

Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee With CBD?

Obviously, coffee is something many of us are head over heels in love with due to its taste and aroma. Even its aroma gives us a relaxed feeling. Let’s discuss the reasons why you should drink CBD with morning coffee:

The Combination Evens You Out

CBD gets you calm and makes you feel sleepy, but coffee works differently. Coffee recharges you, and when the combination is made, it does wonder. Moreover, this works the best for healthy people and is not a good idea if you are consuming CBD with your coffee to treat your ailment. To cater to this, you must consult your medical advisor. You can drink this combo to avoid feeling over-energized due to the excess of coffee as it contains caffeine. Cannabis will also perform its functions by calming you down.

Abundance Of Antioxidants

Both, cannabis and coffee have antioxidant properties which help you combat several illnesses. Where cannabis helps in dealing with Dementia and Alzheimer’s, coffee also helps in uplifting your temperament and fighting cancer and diabetes.

Stay Energized

With both of these, you can stay energized and focused throughout the day. Our day-to-day tasks require us to be attentive and focused, and this combo has served many people.

How To Make CBD Coffee?

As we have many facilities with us lately, we can even buy a CBD-infused coffee, but many people prefer making it at home. Moreover, what if you crave CBD coffee, but you ran out of CBD-infused coffee you bought weeks ago? This is why we will share with you 2 easy ways with steps to help you make morning coffee for yourself at home. Let’s start!

Preparing With CBD Oil

To prepare this, all you need to do is to add just a few drops of CBD oil into your morning coffee. You decide the amount of CBD oil by looking at the presence of CBD in the oil. However, if you are drinking this combo to even out the effects, it is recommended to add 5 to 15 mg in each cup.

Must Read:  CBD Oil Dosage For Pain & Anxiety

Preparing With CBD Infused Honey

In order to sate your CBD needs, you can add CBD-infused sweetener like honey or oil. This all can be added to your ready-to-serve coffee.

How Much CBD dose To Add In Morning Coffee?

If you have been prescribed Cannabidiol to overcome some health conditions, it will not be a good idea to take your cannabis dose with morning coffee. However, if you are willing to try this combo to equalize the effects, then 5 to 15mg of CBD is good to go for many. Some people are even okay with 20mg of it to be served in each cup.

Not everyone knows, but one way to meet your cannabis needs with morning coffee is by vaping CBD. This helps in meeting the proper dosage and also to deal with anxiety right away. After all, you would not feel anxious, inflation or any seizures after consuming Cannabidiol.

How Does CBD With Coffee Helps With Anxiety?

One of the initial uses of CBD was acknowledged when it turned out that it helps with anxiety. Now when it serves many purposes and can be used as an additive in edibles in some states, its recreational use is not yet legalized. However, you can still find this ingredient online and in grocery stores and chemists.

Morning coffee activates you, and so you might end up feeling anxious while CBD makes you drowsy. Coffee includes caffeine, and it can sometimes provide you with insomnia, indigestion, and anxiety. Moreover, both the components, when brought together, can uplift the mood. So, as cannabis makes you drowsy and relaxed, you can barely feel anxious as a result of caffeine. For years, Cannabidiol in the form of oil has been used to treat the same anxiety issue in many people. 

Side Effects Of Adding CBD In A Morning Coffee

As they say, too much of everything is terrible; in the same way, if you have to add cannabidiol into your coffee then you have to ensure that it is the right dose. It is the safest option to use THC-free coffee, but no matter what, there can be some side effects that some people often encounter. These side effects are especially there when you start taking it.

Furthermore, if you drink it while you have some other medicines, it can cause you trouble. Let’s talk about some common side effects that people go through when they develop the habit of adding cannabidiol to their coffee.

  • Changed Appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Weight Loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight Gain
  • Damage To Lungs
  • Susceptible To Infections

Gladly, now you know why you should consider CBD with your morning coffee, the benefits, preparation, side effects, and many more. CBD coffee is usually prepared when coffee beans are soaked in Cannabidiol oil. It is comparatively a new trend, and the research is on its way, but according to people’s claims, this particular coffee is safe and beneficial. If you are going to give it a try, make sure to use the right amount of Cannabidiol.

Ruth Hadfield
Ruth has been a freelance medical writer for the past five years, ranging from academic papers to blog posts to magazine articles. Her speciality is writing product reviews and medical instruments. Besides writing she is a registered nurse with a bachelor’s degree, living in New York with her mother.

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