HomeCBDCBD Softgel Capsules: How Are They Different From CBD...

CBD Softgel Capsules: How Are They Different From CBD Oil?

With the recent studies supporting all the advantages and goodness of the CBD health products, it’s no wonder that the CBD soft gel capsules are becoming more popular among the CBD users.

However, it’s important to find the top quality CBD soft gel capsules as they will provide your body with a myriad of essential nutrients – especially the omega-3 fatty acids. The CBD soft gel capsules are safe to use and really convenient.  

The CBD soft gel capsules help to eliminate the pain, increase the energy level of the body, fight stress, relieve anxiety, and improve heart health.

While the CBD drops usually bring an unpleasantly bitter taste into the mouth, the CBD soft gel capsules are tasteless – unless you chew them. They are super easy to take and you can reap the benefits without noticing it.

Just like with any health product, the CBD soft gel capsules have their pros and cons. However, the biggest problem today is low-quality or fake CBD soft gel capsules.

With the increasing number of CBD health products available on the market these days, it might be hard to find a reliable manufacturer. The low-quality or fake CBD soft gel capsules can trigger some serious health issues, so it’s vital to be careful when buying CBD sof tgel capsules.

Before we share our top CBD soft gel capsule recommendations for you, let’s explore some pros and cons of these capsules and the difference between CBD oil and capsules. Read on.

The biggest pros and cons of CBD soft gel capsules

Each CBD has its perks and drawbacks and the way you ingest CBD plays a significant role in the health benefits you will reap. For instance, it can affect the ease of administration as well as the strength and length of the useful or negative effects.

The soft gel capsules are an easy and quick way to ingest your CBD, as they tend to dissolve quickly and thus provide a faster effect. However, CBD soft gel capsules do still have a con too.

The pros

Convenience is the most incredible part of CBD soft gel capsules. They are simple to use, especially when you don’t like the texture of the oil.

Plus, you are less likely to be tempted to have too many capsules like with those super delicious gummy worms that are hard to stop eating but overdosing causes many digestive issues.

With CBD soft gel capsules, you don’t need to deal with any syringe and you can take them anywhere – even on the go. The capsules seem to be easier to administer and you don’t have to taste it.

CBD oils – actually any oil – can be disgusting and cause nausea and vomiting. The capsules prevent that gross experience and don’t make you feel nauseous. Another pro of CBD soft gel capsules is the strength and length of the effects.

They can last for up to 5 hours, depending on how strong your capsules are. There are 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg CBD soft gel capsules, making it easier for you to take a bigger and stronger dose of CBD.

What are the scientifically proven benefits of CBD soft gel capsules?

Multiple kinds of research have been done to discover the health benefits of CBD soft gel capsules and CBD itself. Here are some of them:

  • A 2012 research conducted by National Institutes of Health (USA) and published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine showed that CBD drastically tamed neuropathic pain and chronic inflammatory, without triggering analgesic tolerance. Scientists suggested that CBD, including that in capsules, and a number of other nonpsychoactive components of cannabis might represent a new group of the therapeutic agents for easing chronic pains.
  • A Brazilian study done by the Universidade Federal does Rio de Janeiro indicated that CBD has a potent anxiolytic-like effect. Cannabidiol aids in banishing anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Another Brazilian study revealed that CBD boosts the antipsychotic effects and it has a pharmacological profile that is very similar to the atypical antipsychotic drug profile. Therefore, CBD has been shown to suppress human experimental psychosis and can even relieve the symptoms of patients with schizophrenia.
  • An Italian study conducted by the Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche Pozzuoli and published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics showed that CBD selectively and potently stopped the growth of various cell lines of a breast tumor and had less potency in the non-cancer cells.
  • A group of scientists also suggested that CBD acts as a non-toxic compound and taking 700 milligrams of it per day for about 6 weeks showed no evident toxicity, which means CBD capsules can be used for certain types of prolonged treatment. The study also proved that CBD is highly effective in warding off breast cancer and can be used to prevent the invasion of colon and lung cancer. CBD also has powerful anti-tumor properties and can treat leukemia.

There are many more studies that have shown the amazing benefits of CBD, including CBD soft gel capsules. However, there are some drawbacks to consider first.

The cons

The dosages are the biggest con of CBD soft gel capsules. It’s extremely hard to split a capsule into a needed size. If you purchase 25 mg softgels, you can’t divide it so you have to take 25 mg.

If you purchase 50 mg but you need 30 mg or 40 mg, you need to take either 25 mg or 50mg, etc. That’s why a lot of people end up taking CBD oil. If the dosage of the soft gel capsules is the ideal dose for you, it’s definitely not a drawback for you.

The onset time is another con of CBD soft gel capsules. They typically take about 40 minutes to kick in. People with a slow metabolism have reported that CBD soft gel capsules take about 60 minutes to kick in. It’s not about soft gel capsules only, though.

Any orally administered CBD, such as isolates and edibles. In case you’re experiencing an agonizing pain, you might have trouble waiting for your slow metabolism to distribute the CBD soft gel capsule into your bloodstream.

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What’s the difference between CBD soft gel capsules and CBD oil?

CBD oil is mostly used for various medicinal purposes, as it aids in combating inflammation, treating sleep disorders, easing the pain, and prevent specific kinds of epileptic seizures.

CBD oil has gained more popularity in the nutritional and health products industries, and in the medical marijuana trade. CBD oil helps to treat certain health issues without worrying about the intoxicating or psychoactive effects that marijuana can provide.

Even though CBD soft gel capsules are effective, CBD oil is primarily used as a medicine that helps to promote:

  • Bone growth
  • Fight bacteria growth
  • Reduce the cancer risk
  • Treat psoriasis
  • Prevent artery blockage
  • Calm down the nervous system
  • Keep high blood sugar at bay
  • Treat sleep disorders like insomnia
  • Eliminate muscle spasms
  • Relieve convulsions and seizures
  • Improve appetite
  • Relieve chronic pain
  • Combat chronic inflammation
  • Fight anxiety

CBD soft gel capsules, which are available in more than 40 countries worldwide and in all of the 50 states in the United States, including CBD from hemp. CBD soft gel capsules are often used as a nutritional supplement to promote overall well-being.

The most critical thing to remember is that since CBD soft gel capsules are ingested orally, the bioavailability of an active compound in them is only 6 to 15%.

For instance, if you take a 100 mg CBD soft gel capsule, the body will absorb about 6 to 15 mg. That’s why determining the correct dosage is highly important. Moreover, you should also make sure that you purchase CBD soft gel capsules of the highest quality possible.

The dosage varies depending on the reason you are taking CBD soft gel capsules. The capsules boost brain function, increase energy, prevent mood swings, and relieve anxiety.

Our top CBD soft gel capsule choices

There are tons of CBD soft gel capsules available on the market today, but not all of them are of the best quality. We’ve chosen 3 top best CBD soft gel capsules that really do work.

CBDPure Softgels

CBDPure softgels contain a cannabidiol oil, which is derived from certified standards industrial hemp organically grown in Colorado, USA, without the use of herbicides and pesticides.

The company makes quality their priority and ensures that each customer’s needs are always met. CBDPure softgels are certified and tested by a third-party lab to prove the quality and safety of the capsules.

CBDPure softgels are for people who are looking for the convenience of a soft gel and a mega-dose of safe CBD in one serving. Each soft gel capsule contains 25 mg of cannabidiol. They contain organic and natural hemp oil and are easy to swallow.

The bottle has 30 softgels, but if they don’t meet your needs, you can take advantage of CBDPure 90-day money-back guarantee. Plus, you can request the certified reports and lab tests.

CBDPure softgels don’t have any psychoactive effects and they can be taken each day as they aren’t habit-forming. CBDPure has already found that CBD aids in increasing the function of the cannabinoid receptors to promote relaxing, soothing properties without making you “high.”

Plus CBD Oil Softgels

Plus CBD Oil Softgels make it easier to take CBD on a daily basis. These softgels are perfect for those who hate swallowing the pills and for people who need a faster-acting type of CBD oil.

Plus CBD Oil Softgels dissolve faster than the pills and are super easy to swallow. The soft gel capsule starts working as soon as you take it.

The softgels are infused with naturally concentrated cannabidiol from organically grown agricultural hemp. They are easy to swallow and you can get the needed amount of CBD in a single serving. Plus CBD Oil Softgels don’t cause addiction and have little to no side effects.

Plus CBD Oil Softgels provide the purest, most traceable, and most consistent cannabinoids in entire North America. The soft gel capsules contain naturally occurring fatty acids and Vitamin E, apart from cannabidiol, supporting healthy well-being.

Plus CBD Oil Softgels are gluten-free, completely vegetarian, and non-GMO, and are manufactured with the help of well-known Gold Formula using an extra-virgin olive oil base.  That’s an added bonus since olive oil has its awesome health benefits too.

The softgels are comprised of CBDA or cannabidiolic acid, which is an acidic cannabinoid produced in the plant and provides a host of benefits distinct from CBD. There are 5 mg of the hemp-derived CBD/CBDA oil, including the biggest spectrum of the naturally-occurring hemp cofactors.


The Colorado-based company, the CBDistillery provides high-quality products for most CBD needs. CBDISTILLERY Softgels are great for people with low energy levels, poor concentration, or anxiety disorder.

The softgels are vegetarian and contain 20 mg of cannabinoids per serving. Each capsule includes pesticide-free, non-GMO CBD oil derived from organically grown hemp plants. The top quality MCT coconut oil is an additional ingredient in CBDISTILLERY Softgels.

These soft gel capsules are easy to take and they provide a long-term effect – especially for people with anxiety and high-stress levels. They also help to relieve the joint pain, making CBDISTILLERY Softgels an excellent choice for people who work out intensively.

With a strict set of standards, the CBDistillery ensures that their CBD soft gel capsules are of the highest quality and has almost no side effects. The company has conducted many lab studies to prove the effectiveness and safety of their CBD products. 

The CBD soft gel capsules aren’t the miracle pills, but they can help you to cope with some of your biggest health issues quickly and effectively. The key is to find a quality product. With a growing number of fake or low-quality CBD softgels, it becomes even harder to find the best ones.

No worries though, feel free to try any of these three top picks and let us know how they work for you. Although you don’t need a prescription, it’s recommended to consult a doctor before taking any CBD soft gel capsules.

Jennifer Kurtz
Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies.

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