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Does CBD Vape Oil Show Up On A Drug Test?

CBD Vape Oil is derived from both hemp and marijuana. The drug tests conducted by the private employers or Federal agencies are looking for the traces of THC along with four other illicit drugs in the individual body.

CBD derived from Medical Marijuana usually have higher levels of THC and carries the undesirable effects associated with “psychoactive high.” CBD derived from the Hemp plant does not contain THC or minor traces of THC and will not give you a “psychoactive high’.

If there is a zero-tolerance from your employer, then always look for the CBD vape oil without any other cannabinoids. Go for the CBD isolate products rather than full-spectrum hemp oil. CBD Isolate is all-natural and doesn’t’ contain THC. Full-spectrum CBD hemp oil contains less than 0.3% THC. Choose CBD Vape oil products that are THC-free.

The THC level in most of the high-quality CBD-rich hemp oil sold in the US is below .3% and doesn’t show up on a drug test if the serving size is small.

If an individual is taking a high amount of a CBD Vape oil in full spectrum (1000-2000 mg per day), then there are higher chances of THC positive in a urinary drug test.

High-quality CBD Vape oil does not have a high concentration of the THC, a psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. Therefore, it is highly unlikely to test positive for the urinary screen drug test at the standard serving size.

At extremely high CBD Vape oil doses, the drug test may result in positive and can detect THC or other Cannabinoids.

Noticing market jam-packed with a whole bunch of sellers trying their best to create awareness among people regarding the endless benefits of CBD dominating strains, the only thing I can do is show gratitude towards researchers and technology and obviously the sellers.

The reason being, the research works they have done for the betterment of the people and notify them that there is something up to the level of medication, equally safe and effective like other substances, for the users.

The topic which we will be discussing today is, does CBD Vape oil show up on a drug test? For the people who have zero knowledge about a CBD strain, a basic definition would help.

What Is CBD?

A CBD is one of the herbs extracted from the Cannabis plant which is the talk of the town nowadays for its therapeutic advantages such as psychological problems, headache and even fatal diseases such as cancer.

A CBD strain can be taken in three prominent forms such as vape, smoke, and edible for the consumers so that they can opt for the best suiting means of absorbing it. All the three forms are equally curing, but in this content, our focus will be on Vape oil form.

What Is CBD Vape Oil And Its Drug Testing?

America is the primary market of the CBD Vape oil. No matter who you are, an enthusiastic worker at a weed firm or a producer striving hard for the expansion of your market, you have to pass the drug test, especially in America where the law is strict in this department.

The most commonly used test is the urine test. However, there is a hair test as well for the detection of any traces of THC. Saliva testing and blood analysis can also be done for THC. In the hair, the traces of THC stay for a longer duration.

The main hunt of the drug test is the THC, a psychoactive compound of Cannabis. A state where marijuana is legal, testing the drug for THC will end an automatic expulsion since the federal law imposes it. Additionally, States, where marijuana is legal, have privileges for workplace drug systems.

What Is A Drug Test And What Exactly They Are Detecting?

Before we go into the details of drug testing, let’s answer one basic question. Why do people go for drug testing? The answer is that the companies hiring new individuals have to follow a set of directions.

Once SAMHSA gives such a set. SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) has a list of instructions that every company has to follow while going for the compulsory drug test.

There is an extension between examining guidelines and admitted cut off levels for drugs and drug metabolites in confirming trial and screening. So, the questions that pop up are what exactly they want to detect in a drug test?

As we all know the consequences of the THC to a human body, being a psychoactive or euphoria-causing substance, it plays a vital role in dragging you to that high phase, and this is definitely what the SAMHSA wants to detect.

In more professional terms, the most important metabolite of THC, THC-COOH, is being detected by the drug tests or urinalysis if you have been taking Cannabis or Vaping CBD.

The cut-off point for THC is 50 mg/ml in urine. Therefore, any herb beyond the limit will end up in a positive result.

Must Read:  The Dos and Don'ts of Traveling With CBD Oil

Once the drug goes through this test with a positive result, the medicine passes through the second test which is an advanced level of the previous one. It is the GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) test, which will mark positive for the level above the 15 mg/m.

Studies show that after consumption, Cannabis stays up to 25 days in a human body so any traces of THC, the urine test can trace them conveniently.

CBD Oil From Hemp vs. CBD From Marijuana

The CBD Vape oil is collected from two major sources hemp and marijuana but what is the difference between these two? We all know that marijuana is THC, so it means that CBD oil prepared from marijuana will obviously have a portion of THC in it, and it is illegal as well.

While on the contrary, a CBD oil from hemp is a complete THC free oil making it user-friendly. Also, it has 0.3 percent of THC in it, which is legal in the State.

The Acceptable Ratio Of THC By Law

As read above, the standards set by SAMSHA, a drug will be positive at these levels of THC; 50mg/ml on the urine test and 15mg/ml on GC/MS test. However, many companies do not speak about the exact amount of THC they use in the course of the preparation of the CBD Vape oil.

The companies are only allowed to add some portion of THC to upgrade the productivity of their Product.

According to the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015, the ratio of 0.3 percent of THC is acceptable in the cultivation of the hemp in America.

All the CBD Vape oil approachable in the market must fall under the given line, over and above the limit will cancel the permission of selling your products in the market all across America.

A False Positive Drug Test

A false positive drug test result means that it’s not necessary that the consumer has been taking CBD Vape but the drug test showed that he has been taking it. The metabolites of many drugs may resemble the chemical structure of the metabolites of CBD. Thus these metabolites end up giving false-positive results.

Therefore, it is recommended to avoid taking drugs before a drug test. Even aspirin should be avoided. False-positive results can be rechecked by going for the GC/MS test which is more specific as well as sensitive.

Does CBD Hemp Oil Show On The Drug Test?

Here it is essential to spell out that each company has its method to produce CBD containing medicines, some make it utterly THC free while some add a small portion of it depending on the source of cultivation (hemp or marijuana).

But the fact is even a small dose of CBD can lead to false positive in the urine test. The urine drug screen for THC-COOH is identified to have very limited cross-reactivity to other cannabinoids that are not potent, such as CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol), CBN (cannabinol), and others.

So the risk element is there, go through the product label carefully before purchasing. The key to avoiding failure in the test is by staying within the limit of the recommended dose of hemp CBD oil by the company.

Points To Make Sure While Purchasing CBD Vape Oil

  1. Make sure the oil is formed over and done with the CO2 extraction method, as its best for high-quality CBD oil. Since this process is quite expensive, only famous brands can use it.
  2. Don’t focus on price solely, we all want to buy a product with affordability, and we witness a lot of brand offering CBD or THC oil at the lower price. Your job is to conduct a study well before purchasing. The idea is to spend some money and go for a reputed brand as nothing is beyond your health.
  3. In 2015 and 2016, the FDA mailed a notice letter to CBD oil generators as their products didn’t hold the CBD content they declared. This step was taken for the improvement of the public so that you only opt for the CBD oil which keeps the complete detail of CBD and THC content involved.


For concluding the entire discussion, all the necessary steps taken by the state is for the betterment and health of its people.

We do not deny the benefits of CBD oil but before purchasing make sure that it fits the standards set by the authorities. The THC level has to be minimum otherwise a temporary cost-saving can lead to a significant loss and health expense in the future.

In case you are afraid that you will get a positive drug test result for CBD, take precautionary measure.

For example, drink a lot of water before the test and ensure that you take Vitamin B12 too to keep the colour of urine yellow. You can also try taking artificial urine, but it is very risky.

Jennifer Kurtz
Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies.

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