HomeCBDEndoca CBD Review

Endoca CBD Review

How Did Endoca Start Its Journey?

The journey of Henry Vincenty started a decade back when he was studying Genetics and Biotechnology in the University of Copenhagen. During his course of study, he uses to travel to Africa very frequently and to achieve better longevity for AIDS patients was his goal.

As he worked through, he researched alternatives to traditional medicine to cure diseases and restore health and immune systems with minimum or zero side effects. He found over 1000 articles on the effect of cannabis in overcoming symptoms of AIDS. After his complete homework, he applied for licensure in Denmark to investigate and research on the development of hemp, how cannabis grew, and the existence of different cannabinoids.

After a long wait, the application was rejected. He tried alternative ways to grow little to zero THC content hemp, which was allowed in Europe. He then made up his mind to open a clinic in Denmark, which is free of cost for the patients who were willing to learn about natural medicine. As people were more interested in hemp, they started spending on it, and this is how Endoca first started. A website and an online store were then created which began the first online shop for CBD in the world.

Where Does Endoca Stand Today?

As we see today, over 2000 acres of organic land is reserved for hemp, a factory with pharmaceutical standards in preparing products to satisfy the demands of customers with proper safety protocol being followed. The business has now grown to employ 100 hardworking team members who are now serving global customers with quality and care.

How Does Endoca Produce CBD?

Endoca adopts a supercritical CO 2 extraction process to produce a top-notch quality of hemp oil available. The experts of their team promise to provide the purest form of high-grade hemp oil. The supercritical CO 2 extraction process provides a handful of advantages which includes perseverance of full horizon of advantageous molecules, the sustainability of the process, safe, gentle, and environment-friendly outcomes.

How Is Quality Assessed At Endoca?

The quality of Endoca products is verified by GMP and third party laboratory testing. A lot of market products contain molds, fungi, pesticides, mycotoxins, and herbicides. Endoca tests for more than 200 different pesticides, heavy metals, and mycotoxins. Endoca follows strict standards and guidelines of GMP. Endoca team begins by picking up the topmost quality raw materials which are available and they use the finest hemp grown organically under pristine natural conditions in Scandinavia. High-grade scientific technologies and techniques such as HPLC and NMR are brought into use to assess and examine the contents and composition of Endoca products to provide the best quality and standard products to its valuable customers. Additionally, third party testing is carried out by various analytical and pharmaceutical laboratories to provide extremely high-quality products.


Endoca CBD Oils are extracted from Cannabis Sativa. These are a wholesome blend of rich hemp seed oil and highly concentrated CBD extracts. It is an extensive formula incorporating a full spectrum of beneficial Phyto compounds, flavonoids including cannabinoids CBD and CBDa and terpenes. It is available in medium and strong concentrations and raw and heated formulations.

Medium is more convenient for newbies whereas strong is for experienced players. The oil can be used at any time of the day. It is suggested to start slowly with 1 to 2 drops and then increasing the dosage as per ease. The dropper applicator aids in sublingually handling the drug. For better absorption and faster results, it is advisable to add drops using the dropper directly under the tongue. All varieties of Endoca oil are without GMO and synthetic chemical-free.

What Other Option Do We Have That Has No Hemp Taste?

Endoca CBD capsules provide discreet and precise dosage with a convenient range in medium and strong concentrations. It is solely vegan, gluten-free and has an absence of hemp taste. These capsules are 100 % natural with standardized quality of hemp extracts. They are non-psychoactive and appropriate for beginners; available in both raw and heated hemp whole hemp plant extracts formulations. Heated hemp capsules contain CBD whole plant extracts whereas raw capsules contain both CBD and CBDa. These capsules are convenient and easy to use. Capsules have a relatively slower absorption rate as it has to bypass the digestive system hence its effects are long-lasting. Vegan capsule range provides a tasteless alternate to earthy hemp taste CBD with the same benefit content.

Does Endoca Have Any Skincare Products Which Can Be Applied Topically?

To provide rich nutrients to the skin, Endoca has a wide range of skincare products which includes creams, balms, and salves. CBD skincare products enrich the skin with all essential nutrients, support healthy skin, and relieve irritation of skin and remedy joint discomfort. These products are rich in hydrating coconut oil, Shea butter, and vanilla extracts. Their effect is widespread; they prevent loss of moisture from the skin and minimize the stress of daily routine.

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These regimens repair and moisturize the skin and help reproduce glow. The Vitamin E add on in these skincare products is beneficial for sensitive skin of face, neck, elbow, and knees. Also, they are toxin-free and are clear from synthetic ingredients. In addition to its use on the face, the balm can be used anywhere on the body. Its organic beeswax, coconut oil, and vitamin E components aid in moisturizing chapped lips and any dry or damaged skin on the body. Endoca products are formulated in GMP certified labs under the supervision of strict pharmaceutical control. From seed to shelf, every aspect is properly tested and verified before dispatched to the end consumer.

Does Endoca Only Cater To Humans Or It Is Something For Other Species As Well?

Endoca not only satisfies human needs but also caters to dogs of various breeds. They have significant properties of keeping them calm; ease anxiety, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, digestive problems, reducing chronic pains of hips and joints and nourishing skin and paws. The range of dog products satisfies and caters to dogs of various sizes and breeds. The product can either be administered orally or be given be any food if the dog is sensitive to the earthy taste of hemp. Alternatively, CBD crystals can also be used to overcome anxiety problems. Endoca also provides skin care products for dogs to minimize their skin irritations, doggie aches, and pains.

What Are Tastier Versions Of CBD Available?

CBD Gummies are easier, discreet and tastier versions of CBD infused supplements. These gummies have many similarities to gummy candy and supplements. The only difference is the infusion of CBD oils or crystals. They also have natural food flavorings added to it which makes them more edible. The benefits of these gummies include suitability for vegans and vegetarians, the ability to customize dosage, easy and subtle consumption by newbies, easy to store and addition of flavors to make it more acceptable. Gummies have the lowest absorption rate hence their effect may take longer. These gummies have to bypass the digestive tract to get absorbed in the blood.

Hence, they take a longer duration to show their effect and their effect lasts for a longer time. It has the potential to fit into a routine lifestyle with ease. As the content of THC is very low, the chances of the user getting high are pretty low as it is not psychoactive.

What Is The Price Range Of Endoca Products?

As compared to various other brands, the price range of Endoca is very reasonable. Medium concentration raw or heated formulation with 30 mg CBD /ml costs $ 29 (excluding taxes) – the price/mg is $0.09/mg whereas strong concentration raw or heated preparation with 150 mg CBD /ml costs $ 127 (excluding taxes) – the price/mg is $0.08/mg. Alternatively, brands like Pure Kana charge $54 for 300mg bottle – the price/mg is $0.18/mg. Premium jane charges $54 for 500 mg – the price/mg is $0.10/mg and PurCBD charges $39.99 for 250 mg – the price/mg is $0.15/mg. It can be said from the above facts and figures that Endoca products are not only highly standardized but also pocket-friendly and reasonably priced as compared to other brands.

Final Words

Endoca products have really captured the market with their outstanding and quality products. They have evolved from a small scale to a business with a workforce of 100 outstanding individuals.

Their continuous hard work, intensive and focused approach towards research and improvements, highest quality of standards and various testing procedures including 3rd party testing have excelled them in work. As an end consumer, it is essential to understand that all products act differently in every individual. Some require a higher concentration whereas some are benefitted by a lower one.

Every human is unique and so are his body and its requirements. It is wise to avoid false hopes and minimize extraordinary expectations but it is also recommended that we use products of a well-reputed, organized and well-researched institution as they have a direct impact on our bodies and our lives.

Jennifer Kurtz
Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies.

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