HomeDrug DetoxHow To Flush Fentanyl Out Of Your System Fast?

How To Flush Fentanyl Out Of Your System Fast?

You know you need to flush fentanyl out of your system when you have to appear for a drug test in the coming days. You know you need to be sober by morning, and you have taken fentanyl, so you are searching all the ways to flush it out of your system.

Unfortunately, to your dismay, you do not find any blog or website with the complete guideline. This is what we observed when we were told by our website users to address this topic.

This is how we came up with this article. This article will emphasize on how to flush fentanyl out of your system.

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl belongs to the class of opioids which are synthetically produced. It is said to be one of the most active Opiates in today’s world. It has potency higher than that of morphine, around 50 to 100 times.

It has a substantial analgesic effect, which is why is employed in postoperative pain relieving. It is also given to patients undergoing chemotherapy for various types of cancer. Patients with fractures can take it.

The trade names of fentanyl are Duragesic (transdermal patch), Sublimaze and Actiq. The street names of fentanyl are Dance fever, China white, TNT, Tango, Murder 8 and Apache.

Why do people take Fentanyl?

There are two significant uses of fentanyl. Either people take fentanyl for medicinal purposes, to get rid of pain or discomfort, or they take it recreationally.

Recreational users often abuse fentanyl and end up overdosing leading to complications. This is the group which concerns the government officials as they tend to end up as case fatalities.

The recreational users usually mix fentanyl with heroin, cocaine and other drugs like amphetamines that can potentiate the action of fentanyl.

The other group further comprises of those who take fentanyl because they are prescribed by a medical practitioner or the ones who take it as self-medication.

The latter category is a significant concern as it leads to the development of dependence and addiction.

How do Fentanyl works?

The mechanism of action of fentanyl is simple. It blocks the pain receptors and helps one in relaxing and feeling euphoric, as it increases the levels of dopamine in the brain.

Due to this reason fentanyl has a high risk of causing addiction. It is used in the form of transdermal patches, lozenges, and intravenous injection.

It is used for alleviating moderate to severe pain after surgery in a hospital setting. It is also used in Opioid addicts with chronic pain.

The fentanyl that is taken for recreational purposes is available in the form of powder or tablets mixed with other street drugs.

What is the elimination half-life of Fentanyl?

Elimination half-life means the time taken for half of a single dose of a drug or a substance to leave the body. The elimination half-life of fentanyl depends on the mode of administration of fentanyl.

When fentanyl is taken intravenously, it has an elimination half-life of 2 to 4 hours, and it makes another 11 to 22 hours to be removed entirely from the body.

If you place a fentanyl patch or taken fentanyl in the form of lozenges, it will have an elimination half-life of 2 hours, and it will take 36 hours to leave the body altogether.

How to flush Fentanyl out of your system?

Employ the following strategies to flush fentanyl out of your system;

  • Water: Drink loads of water to improve your excretory rate of fentanyl.
  • Diuretics: These include iced tea, coffee, grapefruit juice, apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice. They tend to increase urination that leads to enhanced removal of fentanyl from the body.
  • Increasing physical activity helps in increasing the metabolism of the body and the excretion of fentanyl.
  • Increasing the intake of fibers in the diet also improves the basal metabolic rate of the body.
  • Blood cleanser herbs like red clover, chaparral poke root, and burdock root are helpful in quickly cleansing the blood and flushing fentanyl out of the body.
  • You can pass hair test by rinsing your hair with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar accurately diluted.
  • To restore the creatine levels in urine, take red meat. Creatinine levels are reduced due to excessive consumption of water. Vitamin b12 can help with the yellow coloring of urine.
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What are the variables that influence the removal of Fentanyl from the body?

  • Age: Aged people require more time to remove fentanyl from the body as their metabolism and excretion is slow.
  • Weight, height and body mass: The more you are obese, the more considerable time is required to remove fentanyl from the body because fentanyl tends to get stored in the adipose tissue of the body.
  • Genetics: Some people remove fentanyl slower as their metabolism is slow genetically.
  • Hepatic function: A diseased liver cannot efficiently metabolize fentanyl thus impairing its excretion.
  • Metabolic rate: The faster the metabolism, the quicker fentanyl is flushed out of the system.
  • Dosage: If taken in high dosage, more time is required to remove it from the body.
  • Route of administration: IV fentanyl is removed from the body quickly as compared to tablets, lozenges or transdermal patch.
  • Duration and frequency of use: The slower is fentanyl removed from the body if the duration and frequency of fentanyl consumption are high.
  • Use of other drugs: Drugs that potentiate the effects of fentanyl reduces its excretion.

Frequently asked questions

Is Fentanyl addictive?

Fentanyl has a high potential for abuse which is why it is labeled as a schedule II prescription. One can quickly become addicted to fentanyl because it acts by blocking the pain receptors.

A person who is abusing fentanyl may experience some of these signs and symptoms; confusion, depression, difficulty walking, muscle stiffness, slowed heart rate, labored breathing, weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting, shaking, sleepiness, slurred speech, nausea and vomiting, itching and scratching and pinpoint pupils.

How long does fentanyl stay in urine?

It can be detected in urine after 8 to 24 hours of consumption. The metabolites of fentanyl can be identified for several days.  

How long does fentanyl stay in hair?

It can be detected for up to ninety days or 3 months in the hair. The reason is that hair growth is a slow process, and it gives an accurate timeline of health history.

How long does fentanyl stay in your saliva?

In saliva, fentanyl can be detected for up to 3 days. Saliva swab or spittle samples are taken for saliva testing.

How long does fentanyl stay in blood?

It is detectable in the blood for up to 12 hours after consumption and then it is metabolized.

Will fentanyl show up on a drug test?

Yes, it can show up on a drug test. The good news is that usually fentanyl is not tested for on standardized drug tests as it doesn’t convert to morphine after metabolism. The standard drug tests are typically done for morphine.

John Schroyer
John Williams has been working as a health writer since July 2011 and currently spends most of his time writing about marijuana and Kratom. He lives in San Diego, Ohio, as the beaches are nicer there. He is a regular contributor to many top health magazines and frequently writes for Redstorm Scientific.

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