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How To Make Kratom Resin & Impact of Resin on Your Body

Kratom is gaining more and more popular among people with every passing day due to the amazing effects it provides.

As the use of Kratom is becoming common, more ways of using this herb are being discovered.

There are lots of ways for using Kratom either directly or indirectly. Making a Kratom resin is one of the newest trending methods of using the herb.

A large number of people are getting interested in this variety of extract because it is easy to make and it is cost effective as well.

Kratom resin is a type of extract; therefore, before understanding how to make it, it is important to know what an extract is.

What does Kratom extract mean?

A Kratom extract is a highly concentrated form of Kratom. It undergoes a high degree of processing in such a way that the alkaloid content present in it is raised to a higher degree as compared to the plain-leaf Kratom.

For this reason, extracts are more potent, and only a slight amount of these extracts can produce substantial effects.

Making a Kratom extract involves boiling the leaves of any Kratom in a pan filled with plain water. Water evaporates after some time, and the content of the mixture reduces. Straining of mixture follows this step which produces a very concentrated extract of Kratom.

This extract solution is dried and can then be ground into powder or solidified to produce different substances like Kratom resin or Kratom tincture.

What is a Kratom Resin?

A Kratom resin is made up of solidified Kratom extract which is stronger by volume about the Kratom leaves in pure forms.

It is usually dark brown or black in color, and its preparation involves hardening of the extract derived from Kratom. It is just like a piece of tar and entertains a consistency just like that of glass.

How Can You Make a Kratom Resin?

Making Kratom resin at home is a good idea because it helps people save a lot of money. It also gives people a chance to customize the Kratom reason in any way they prefer.

They can use different strains of their choice and add them in quantities suitable for them. On top of all, making Kratom resin at home is a fun thing to do.

A few things are necessary to prepare Kratom resin at home, all of which are quite easy to find. These things include:

  1. Four ounces of Kratom powder
  2. Distilled vodka (ethanol-80 to 100 proof)
  3. Citric Acid
  4. Mason Jar
  5. Glass tray
  6. Cheese cloth/ a clean t-shirt

Impacts of Kratom Resin on a Body

Kratom resin gives rise to a set of strong effects in the body of the user. Therefore, it is not suitable for new users.

These results can be different as compared to those produced by the plain-leaf Kratom. However, the effects are similar in nature.

  • In small doses, Kratom resins provide stimulation to the body and the central nervous system. It elevates the mood and boosts the energy levels. Kratom resin also facilitates the thought process and intensifies concentration of the users.
  • On the contrary, use of Kratom resin in a high dose can result in sedation and euphoria-like feeling. High dose of Kratom resin can also relieve body aches and relax the muscles. Users experience a peaceful sleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take the demanding jobs the very next morning.

Procedure To Make Kratom Resin

  • Step One

The user must be sure about the kind of Kratom powder he has chosen. This is because the kind of strain has a high impact on the potency of resin when it is finally prepared. 4 ounces of Kratom powder or more is sufficient to make the right amount of resin out of it.

To start making Kratom resin, add all of the Kratom powder in a mason jar and mix it with 80 to 100 proof ethanol.

For 4 ounces of Kratom powder, one liter of ethanol solution is enough. This step is important because it ensures a complete absorption of all the alkaloids in the solution, that too without saturation.

  • Step Two

Next, add citric acid into this solution consisting of Kratom powder submerged in ethanol. The amount of citric acid added to the solution should be just enough to adjust the pH of the solution to 4. A user can have an idea about the pH of the solution by using a pH paper if he likes.

Must Read:  How To Buy Kratom Seeds Online — The Purchasers Guide!

Citric acid is an important constituent of Kratom resin for dropping the alkaloids from the solution in the form of salts. This process increases the potential for absorption and also tends to decrease the process of oxidation while the evaporation process continues.

  • Step Three

Now that the mason jar consists of a solution of Kratom powder, citric acid, and ethanol, shake it dynamically for a few minutes. Repeat this process for one to two hours.

Once the mixing is complete, place the jar in a cool but dark area, for example, a closet for at least seven days. Keep shaking it once or twice every day during this time. This process will ensure maximum absorption of alkaloids in the solution.

  • Step Four

After successfully keeping the mason jar in a cool, dark place for a week or two, shake it again for the one last time. The user must then filter the solution using a cheese cloth.

Alternatively, an old but clean t-shirt can be handy. This will strain the solution and leave the powder behind. Pour this solution in a glass try and set it for evaporation. Give it some time to evaporate entirely. The powder which is almost devoid of any alkaloid can be disposed of.

  • Step Five

After the liquid from the solution evaporates completely, the user must scrap the bottom of the tray. It is better to perform this step using a razor carefully.

Keep the scrapings in a container, and the user will have his home-made Kratom resin ready to be used. This resin can be quite potent, especially if it involves a potent Kratom strain.

Consuming Kratom Resin

There are some ways of using a Kratom resin. A majority of people prefer to use it in making tea.

They just need a small part of the Kratom resin in a cup of water and boiling it will make a perfect Kratom tea. Others like to add other flavored substances like honey or lemon to spice up the herbal tea.

Another way of utilizing Kratom resin is by swallowing it. It is the simplest and the most convenient way of using a Kratom resin. All it takes is a piece of Kratom resin to put in the mouth and swallow with the help of plain water.

Determining the Dosage of Kratom Resin

It is important to keep the nature of Kratom resin in mind while considering the appropriate dosage for it.

This is because an overdose of this product can result in undesired adverse effects. Experts recommend that people should always begin using plain-leaf Kratom before switching to the resin form because resins possess extra strength.

The exact dose of Kratom resin can vary from user to user. Certain factors exist which are responsible for determination of the dose.

These factors include the quality of resin, the nature of Kratom strain used and the level of concentration of it. The following table precisely tells about the dosage of resins for every type of user.

Initiating dose1 to 1.5 grams
Low dose2 to 3 grams
Moderate dose3 to 5 grams
High dose5 to 8 grams

In general, 1 gram of Kratom resin is sufficient to produce effects in the user which become more pronounced at 3 grams.

For those who have never tried Kratom resin before, 1 gram is the appropriate dose, to begin with. The dose must not exceed 5 grams except for those who have experienced user of Kratom resin.

Things to remember while consuming home-made Kratom resin

Because a Kratom resin is vigorous and concentrated in nature, the risk of developing tolerance due to it is quite high. Therefore, users find it more suitable to use Kratom resins in moderation in their normal routine of Kratom consumption.

Some users mix Kratom resin with its powdered form to balance out the effects and experience revitalization of their bodies.

Users who make Kratom resin at home must be careful about choosing the right strain and carefully carrying out all the necessary steps. The product when finished must be tested in small quantities to check its effects.

Asad Khan
Asad Khan is an independent health journalist who specializes in food policy and global health. He is a senior fellow for investigative health journalism at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

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