HomeCBDIs CBN Oil As Good As CBD Oil?

Is CBN Oil As Good As CBD Oil?

Recently, Cannabis is garnering all the buzz across the globe for its incredible versatile properties. The plant inherent hundreds of compounds referred to as cannabinoids. These compounds have natural anecdotal, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving benefits.

Out of these, the three chief elements are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD (cannabidiol) and CBN (Cannabinol). CBD and CBN, the two, in particular, have emerged as significant medical treatment options with a tremendous impact on pain management. This is why they are being added to everything from skincare to food.

However, consumers often wonder about the efficacy of the two and which one of the two substitutes takes the lead.

For that end, the article intends to comprehensively cover all the aspects of CBD and CBN, their pros and cons, as well as fundamental similarities and differences between the two, which would ultimately lead you to conclude why CBN Oil is a better option than CBD Oil.

What Is CBD?

CBD, an abbreviation of cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating molecule produced uniquely by the marijuana and hemp species of the cannabis plants.

It is gaining immense popularity in the medical world, owing to its extensive therapeutic benefits.

From being illegal at one point in time, it is now available in every nook and corner- from CBC lattes stocked in abundance at coffee shops and spas treating customers with exotic CBD facials to a variety of beauty lotions and hemp oils produced from CBD formulae.

However, all the legally sold CBD in the US is extracted from the industrial hemp rather than marijuana.

This is because marijuana is reported to contain THC yield of up to 30%, which is way more than sufficient to extract CBN.

On the other hand, to manufacture CBD products, the industrial hemp must essentially incorporate less than 3% THC as mandated by the 2018 Form Act.

Do you know, in a clinical study, people who consumed heavy doses of CBD reported feeling “something’’?

Numerous reports suggest CBD is non-psychoactive i.e., it doesn’t have a strong or direct influence on cognitive brain activity and so, doesn’t trigger the high-end effect of marijuana.

However, the latest researches have proved otherwise. It is mildly psychoactive- although to a much lesser intensity than THC. Nevertheless, it is non-intoxicating, for the most part.

Therefore consumers who do not wish to get high must be careful to choose a reputable brand with a proven below 0.3% THC content. According to CBD users, Industrialhempfarms is one of those brands on which you can trust.

What Is CBN?

All set to become the next rock-star of the legal weed movement, CBN (an abbreviation of Cannabinol) is a lesser-known compound of Cannabis.

It is more closely related to THC (or more appropriately, a by-product of THC). It is produced in trace amounts after THC in hemp plants oxidizes and decomposes as a result of sunlight and being exposed to air.

YES! You can easily convert THC into CBN by leaving it under the naked sun for some time or by heating it carefully in your oven at a low temperature.

Yet, CBN has an entirely different impact than THC. The compound has a mild psychotropic response (much less than THC but slightly more than CBD).

In the past, THC and CBD were deemed as the primary cannabis compounds with little to no information available about CBN.

Today, it has taken a centre-stage in the new area of cannabis research with nearly everyone wanting to get hands-on, one of the CBN oils, lotions, topicals, edibles, capsules, tinctures, vape cartridges or sublingual sprays.

CBN Oil Vs CBD Oil: Best Cannabis Seed

There exists a wide array of cannabis seeds from where CBN and CBD can be extracted. However, the best ones for each category are:

a) Best CBD Cannabis Seed: Blue Mystic Feminized Seeds
b) Best CBN Cannabis Seed: Black Indica Feminized Cannabis Seeds

CBN Oil Vs CBD Oil: Pros

Following we have highlighted the benefits of CBN Oil as well as CBD Oil:

1) CBN Oil

  1. It boasts of containing analgesic or pain-relieving capabilities: Experiments have shown that CBN helps to alter pain signals sent to the brain by the neurons.
  2. It forms a great antibiotic: Numerous studies have revealed that CBN rapidly kills bacteria found in wounds and burns. It also hinders the further spread of bacterial infections such as MRSA (a perilous bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotics).
  3. It is anti-inflammatory: CBN promises to treat inflammatory diseases by influencing the human endocannabinoid as well as regulating the immune system.
  4. It acts as a cancer-fighter: CBN is known to put a determined fight against the spread of cancer cells by either reducing their speed or completely terminating their growth.
  5. It is an excellent anti-convulsant: Evidence suggests that as a by-product of THC, CBN can be used to control seizure disorders, including epilepsy.
  6. It boosts bone healing and growth: CBN is found to activate stem cells that foster the production of new bone cells. This is particularly recommended for osteoporosis and arthritis patients for healing fractured bones and assisting reverse bone loss.
  7. It has proved to be a potential glaucoma remedy by releasing the intraocular eye pressure.
  8. It is an efficient anti-depressant and anti-insomnia: Yet another factor that contributes to the popularity of CBN is, it can prolong sleep-time and lower anxiety attacks.
  9. It aids in weight-gain by increasing appetite.

2) CBD Oil

  1. It is an excellent remedy to control seizures.
  2. It can alleviate depression.
  3. It can avert malignancy.
  4. It cures sleeping disorders and anxiety.
  5. It lowers the chance of diabetes.
  6. It is neuroprotective, anti-ischemic, anti-spasmodic, immunosuppressive, anti-emetic, analgesic, and anti-psychotic.

CBN Oil Vs CBD Oil: Cons

To make our readers well-aware, below we have provided a glimpse of the potential drawbacks of using CBN Oil as well as CBD Oil.

Must Read:  CBD Dosage Calculator Benefits, How to Choose, Measure, And Use

1) CBN Oil

Perhaps the only drawback of CBN is that it is not yet explored to its full potential, and research into its therapeutic benefits is still on a nascent stage.

Until recently, the compound was mainly understudied as CBD and THC had stolen all the limelight in terms of research, social media campaigns, media coverage, and legalities surrounding the cannabis industry.

2) CBD Oil

It might not work for everyone.

CBN Oil Vs CBD Oil: Side Effects

The numerous studies, experiments, tests, and researches so far conducted on the two compounds have concluded the below mentioned potentially adverse impacts of consuming CBN Oil and CBD Oil:

1) CBN Oil

Due to its potent sedative effect, it can induce sleep- making one feel tired and lethargic.

2) CBD Oil

  1. One can experience mouth-dryness.
  2. Its efficacy reduces if consumed with blood pressure medicines.
  3. It can interact with a wide array of pharmaceuticals.
  4. It can make provoke fatigue, lightheadedness, malaise or weakness.
  5. It can trigger diarrhoea.
  6. It drastically reduces appetite.
  7. It can lower blood pressure.

CBN Oil Vs CBD Oil: Key Similarities

CBD and CBN can be traced from the same plant family. As such, both are used to treat a plethora of similar health issues; nausea, insomnia, epilepsy, anxiety, pain, and inflammation, to name a few.

Moreover, experiments have shown that both possess proven anti-bacterial and neuroprotective properties.

The theory of the “entourage effect” is also believed to set in place in the case of the three cannabinoids.

The theory states that THC, CBN, and CBD render excellent results when merged (in calculated proportions) as opposed to being used in isolation to cure any health condition.

CBN Oil Vs CBD Oil: The Key Differences

Even though CBD and CBN originate from the same plant, their chemical composition and affect dramatically vary. Following we have outlined all the significant differences between the two:

  • Natural Formation/Growth

Unlike CBD, which is present in the marijuana plant since the start, CBN is not. CBN forms gradually (that too only in trace amounts) as the ultraviolet rays from the sun heat up and oxidizes THC. This ultimately reduces the psychotropic effects of THC to quite some extent.

Therefore, CBN is best harvested from dried or aged marijuana plants as opposed to CBD that can be extracted from fresh marijuana or hemp plants.

  • Psychotropic Effects

This forms yet another significant difference between the two compounds. Studies have proved CBN to be slight to mild psychoactive (when heavy doses are consumed), whereas CBD has negligible to little psychedelic effects. This is because CBN is a direct breakdown of aged THC.

  • Appetite Stimulant

The two cannabinoids have an acutely distinct effect on consumers’ appetites. While CBD acts as an appetite suppressant, CBN tends to increase the desire of appetite consumption.

Hence, those who feel less hungry and wish to maintain or gain weight, for the medical or non-medical condition can resort to mild CBN doses. For instance, cancer patients can use CBN to recover their lost pounds.

  • Sedation Affect

Have you ever wondered why you curl up and nestle on the bed or couch after smoking Indica strains of marijuana?

Only because it contains CBN that is known to be an excellent sedative. CBN dosage as little as 2.5 mg will induce sleep, just like any active pharmaceutical available in the market or sleeping pills (such as Valium and Ambien) prescribed to those suffering from sleep disorders or insomnia.

Though both CBD and CBN help to achieve mind tranquillity and physical relaxation, it is worth mentioning that CBN is a potent sleeping-agent.

An article by Mary Magazine’s blog mentioned that CBD alerts consumers (due to that ‘high’ associated with marijuana) while CBN helps make them drowsy and sluggish. Therefore, CBD must ideally be taken in the morning after bedtime while CBN at night.

  • Safety Concerns

In July 2019, Forbes stated in their article (“CBN Is Another Cannabis Compound With Beneficial Properties”) that CBD is neither unregulated by the Food And Development Authority nor is it tested in the US Clinics.

Therefore, one must be careful while using it with a mixture of other supplements, especially before bedtime for any contra-indications.

CBD may lead to adverse effects when combined with a lot of pharmaceuticals, such as hybrid products like CBD and Melatonin, Warfarin, or other blood thinners. Fortunately, so far, no such evidence has been reported in the case of CBN.

Final Thoughts

As more and more research is being carried out, scientists have found Cannabis to be a rich source of hundreds of vital compounds.

Numerous studies and tests have revealed that these compounds bear phenomenal medical applications, as in the case of CBN and CBD. Not only do these two compounds differ in their formation, but they also have distinct uses.

From being used to improve sleep and weight to effectively treating anxiety and a host of other ailments, the palliative and therapeutic benefits of CBN Oil have outweighed those of CBD Oil- making it a clear winner in this regard. Consequently, it has emerged as the next big thing with immense potential as well as the foremost choice of cannabinoid in the health and wellness industry.

Perhaps, what is truly remarkable is that CBN guarantees to render benefits unresponsive to other medications.

In the end, we hope that this article has successfully eradicated all the misconceptions surrounding CBN Oil and hopefully has left our readers better informed about this more obscure member of the hemp cannabinoid family.

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