HomeKratomWhy Does Kratom Make You Sweat?

Why Does Kratom Make You Sweat?

Are you a fan of Kratom who takes it frequently? If yes, there may be some effects which you will habitually have and yet unable to understand.

One of such effects is excessive sweating or hot refluxes which are not understandable for many of the people.

Your body may feel heated up, and the sweating may be too much than normal. If this is what you are going through, you aren’t alone.

Many other users feel the same way. Here is everything to know why Kratom make you sweat and how can you regulate it. Let’s start with understanding the mechanism of sweat.

Why does your body sweat?

For what you sweat a lot after using Kratom, first it is important to know why does the body produces sweat normally.

It is the same sweating which everyone faces. For Kratom users, this sweating is a lot heavier which makes them uncomfortable.

Sweating or perspiration is a natural process of the body. The sweat glands are present on the whole skin of mammals which make this happen. There are two types of sweat glands

  • Eccrine glands
  • Apocrine glands

Eccrine glands are more common in number than apocrine glands. The mechanism of sweating is vital to make the body temperature stable.

An adult can sweat approximately 2-4 liters per hour and a lot more per day. In children, it is less intense.

When you see the sweat on the skin, it means that there is a lot of action taking place inside your body which is producing heat.

To make the temperature stable, the body is shedding the water off. This inside activity can be anything such as metabolic boost, hormonal rush or muscular movements.

This intense activity is due to a physical extortion or a reaction to any drug. To understand sweating with, everyone should know about the thermoregulation.

How human body regulates its temperature?

Thermoregulation is the process which every human body is capable of performing. It is when the inner systems are undergoing an intense action, and the surrounding temperature of the body doesn’t match with it.

This internal thermoregulation is a type of homeostasis which maintains the temperature equilibrium between humans and their environment.

What happens if the body doesn’t change temperature?

If the body doesn’t maintain a stable temperature, by the surrounding environment, hyperthermia is more likely to hit.

It mostly occurs when the body reaches to 55 °C A longer time on this same temperature will increase it to over 75 °C which is a lethal condition.

It suggests that a higher temperature can even take your life. That is why the natural homeostasis occurs in the form of perspiration.

There is a different condition called hypothermia in which the temperature drops down, but that is not a part of our question here.

What factors can induce excessive sweating?

From the above information, we now have a narrative that extreme sweating is a result of some strong internal actions. The next question which arises to mind is what exactly a reaction can change the temperature of our body?

Everyone sweats excessively when it is hot outside. This condition is called “hyperhidrosis” in which the sweat glands produce extra sweat. Some of the most obvious reasons behind it, other than environmental are when,

  • You are under stress
  • You have a panic attack
  • You have a fever
  • You are exercising
  • You are jogging or running
  • You are taking a potent medicine. or the herbal product like Kratom

Among all above, the focus is on taking a strong medication. The drug induced hyperthermia is not natural. It shows that your body’s temperature is so affected that it is unable to maintain a

healthy condition. Here the body needs to take steps for temperature regulation. Some drugs which can induce drug related hyperthermia are;

Antibiotics: Isoniazid.

Anti-arrhythmia Drugs: Procainamide, Quinidine.

Antiepileptic Drugs: Phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin), Carbamazepine.

Anti-hypertensive Drugs: Alpha-methyldopa.

Antifungal Drugs: Amphotericin B.

Opiates or Illicit Drugs: Amphetamines, MDMA (ecstasy), Cocaine, Cannabis (marijuana), Phencyclidine (PCP), Morphine, Hydrocodone, herbal opioids (Kratom).

How can Kratom induce hyperthermia?

Kratom, as we all know that has incredibly healing health benefits. The Southeast Asian tree has miraculous properties to serve the medical needs of the user.

It is part of regenerative medicines from Southeast region. Some of the best effects of Kratom are as follows.

  • RecreationalStimulation, mood enhancement, motivation, nootropic assistance, confidence boost, energy and performance improvement, euphoria.
  • TherapeuticThe painkilling effect, opiate withdrawal, aphrodisiac properties, metabolic boost, the sleep regulator, sedative healing, stress relief, anxiolytic, etc. It is evident that the medicinal effects of Kratom are similar with chemically modified medicines. It means Kratom is a herbal alternative to all these health problems. As herbal products are safer than their chemical alternative, more and more people are using Kratom to treat their common problems particularly pain.
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In what way Kratom and opiates are similar?

Opiates are a class of compounds which are a derivative of opium. Most of them produce psychedelic effects and have legal challenges on their status. They include morphine, codeine, thebaine, etc.

The term opioid is a sum up of natural and chemical compounds which bind to the specific receptors on brain called opioid receptors.

It also includes the antagonists. For the regular Kratom users who like to read on it, Kratom works the same way as opiates work.

All opioids block the body’s response on nor-adrenaline to control the pain which causes extreme sweating.

It is the same hormone which releases when you are excited, nervous, anxious or scared. It means using Kratom make you sweat due to its activity for nor-adrenaline blockage.

Kratom, synthetic and semi-synthetic opiates work the same way, by attaching to the same opioid receptors, i.e., Delta, Kappa receptors and producing the same effects.

The trend to use Kratom for treating pain instead of opiates like morphine or the chemical drugs like Hydrocodone and methadone is that they are all alike.

Kratom is a natural and fair product for medicinal use whereas opiates are illegal.

Painkillers which are available over the counter also work the same way, but they produce damaging effects after some time.

In such a situation, those who use Kratom to treat pain have a clear benefit of avoiding all possible side effects.

Why Kratom cause extreme perspiration?

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a sign when a person is taking too much of an opioid.

In other words, you can also call it as a withdrawal effect. It is very uncomfortable and miserable condition which is highly unliked by all opioid users.

As we know that Kratom is also an opioid, the effects which it shows on extreme high dosage are same as that of opiates like morphine or chemical derivatives of opiates like Hydrocodone.

When you are taking too much of Kratom, it brings unpleasant effects to come. A high dose is generally up to 8 grams or more than 8 grams.

Due to unawareness and lack of any research data, users tend to use extreme dosage, considering it to bring more effects.

What they don’t know is that Kratom is highly dosage sensitive. It is more likely to feel the discomforting effects such as excessive sweating after you use Kratom in high amount.

A second factor to make you sweat more while using Kratom is the usage itself. Those who use Kratom more often, i.e., more than three times a week, in high dose for an extended period face such problems more.

Also, you will experience sweating after skipping Kratom for some days, especially if you are a regular user.

What can you do to control it?

Sweating due to Kratom use is a very undesirable effect. Many Kratom users on online forums seek help from other users to control Kratom sweating.

Being a Kratom user, you can do the following things to control sweating due to Kratom.

  • Always take a sufficient amount which is always moderate to high.
  • Fix days to use Kratom and stick to them to make your experience pleasant.
  • Switch strains between high to mild so that you don’t develop an addiction.
  • Take days off to skip Kratom to prevent the unwanted effects to show up.
  • Only use the Kratom strains which fulfill your requirements and suit your body.

What you should never do while using Kratom,

  • Do not overdose Kratom.
  • Do not take the extreme dosage.
  • Do not combine higher strains for enhanced effects.
  • Do not potentiate Kratom with equally potent compounds like alcohol.
  • Do not use Kratom more than three times in a week.

Following these guidelines can make your Kratom experience better. Also, it will help you to control the extreme sweating by using Kratom.

Ruth Hadfield
Ruth has been a freelance medical writer for the past five years, ranging from academic papers to blog posts to magazine articles. Her speciality is writing product reviews and medical instruments. Besides writing she is a registered nurse with a bachelor’s degree, living in New York with her mother.

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