HomeKratomKratom And Other Natural Painkillers For Severe Pain

Kratom And Other Natural Painkillers For Severe Pain

Analgesia of Kratom is one of the extremely popular natural painkillers worldwide. It is one of the historically famous reasons to use Kratom as a healing compound from nature. It is useful for all types of pain.

Initially, people used to mistake Kratom for some psychedelic substance. The therapeutic effects of Kratom were not that famous except for the mysterious native stories about it.

It took so much time for Kratom to make its way to the international acknowledgment. During the last decade, uses of Kratom as a painkiller, a healing agent, an energy booster and nootropics assistant are the most likely among people.

Kratom works best for acute and chronic pains. Be it an ordinary, everyday pain, i.e., a headache or severe pain, Kratom helps for all. Kratom is an all-natural painkiller, which is indeed a blessing for the humankind.

It’s not just the Kratom that is a natural painkiller. There are so many other natural painkillers that help against the pain.

These products are full of benefits and are side effect free. In case you don’t have access to Kratom or cannot use Kratom, you should try the following miraculous natural painkillers.

What do you understand by natural painkillers?

The term natural painkillers gives an idea that we are talking about a medicine that is right to some extent.

The painkillers, which we see around us, are in the form of oral tablets/capsules or the injectable solutions.

The natural painkillers gives an impression that it is some product, which is extracted from nature and helps to relieve the pain.

Fortunately, Mother Nature has so many options that we can try for the natural analgesic agents.

Not only these natural painkillers are effective against the pain, but also they have absolutely no side effect.

Using them is fantastic. All the natural analgesic products users never go back to the chemically modified medicines again.

Kratom as a Natural Painkiller

Kratom is one name, which is famous for the therapeutic benefits mainly. Pain control and Kratom are two terms, which run side by side.

The chronic pain disease often emphasizes to use natural painkillers such as Kratom for effective pain management.

The Southeast Asian tree of Kratom is making headlines with the latest researches on its incredible medicinal benefits.

The latest study, which published in Brain Research Bulletin in 2016, elaborates the traditional and non-traditional uses of Kratom.

This research was to check the usage efficiency of Kratom among common public. The study was based on a survey of Published Kratom studies on human subjects.

It showed that Kratom is a recreational as well as medicinal product among all Kratom users.

The severe side effects were minimal, and they were only reported in the west. It elaborates that may be the new users are unable to use Kratom precisely.

The natives have minimal side effect percentage, which may be due to the expert usage for centuries.

The Kratom profiling showed that Kratom is helpful against some problems, i.e., pain, inflammation, sleep regulation, stress, anxiety and what not.

The behavioral and neurochemical characterization of Kratom has published Psychopharmacology, 2014 edition.

The study was based on the traditional use of Kratom as a medicine for musculoskeletal pain, high blood pressure, coughing, opiate withdrawal, diarrhea, etc.

All these benefits of Kratom are due to the action of Kratom alkaloids on opioidergic, adrenergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic receptors.

The subject was mice in this study, and they were investigated through oral (PO), intraperitoneal (IP), and intracerebroventricular (ICV) application.

The final results showed effects, which are usually, meditated via μ and κ opioid receptors. All these evidence suggest that Kratom has a very helpful hand in pain control.

Other Natural Painkillers to Help You

Just, in any case, you don’t have access to Kratom or cant use Kratom; there are many other options that you can try. Some of the best natural analgesic products are the following.

  • Cannabidiol/CBD oil

Cannabidiol is a famous product, which has a link with pain control and management.  What you may not know is that Cannabidiol is not a directly natural product.

But the amazing thing is that all the ingredients of Cannabidiol are from hemp and cannabis plant.

Being a part of traditional health tips, cannabis is very helpful against the sensation of pain. The only complication that we may feel today is its legal status.

It may not be legally allowed in a few parts of the world. But for research purpose and medicinal reasons, it is legal.

  • White willow bark

Like Cannabidiol, white willow bark has its medicinal importance. White willow bark is a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

It is particularly helpful for fever, pains and internal swelling.

The native cultures of China and central Europe use it to treat everyday problems like a headache, body ache, backache, migraine, swelling, etc. It is also helpful in case of chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

A review article Biomedical Reviews describes that white willow tree is one of the ancient remedies to treat pain and internal inflammation.

It is so old that it has traces in Egypt, Rome, Greece, and India as an herbal remedy for pain. White willow bark works same as aspirin.

Both of them are a nonselective inhibitor of COX-1 and COX-2, which block inflammatory prostaglandins and relieves the user.

  • Wild opium lettuce

Wild opium lettuce or Lactuca serriola is another herb, which is a natural painkiller. It is so common that it grows on the sides of roads naturally. It is usually abundant where the soil has high asphalt concentration in it.

Opium is considered weed but is not as useful as others. Apparently, it is a beautiful plant, which exhibits a fine looking landscape.

When you rupture its outer surface, it secretes milk-like sap, which has high psychedelic properties. This sap is what people use to get high.

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The commercial production of opium is the sap, which is collected, in semi-solid form. The manufacturers make small balls out of this soft gel. Its sale is high for medicinal reasons.

Wild opium lettuce numbs the body and suppresses the pain. For this reason, the chronic pain patients prefer to use it.

If there are wild opium plants around you, t is very easy to make these soft tablets of wild opium by yourself.

Contrary to the popular belief, wild opium lettuce has no link to opium. It is not even species of the common narcotic plant, opium. It has only the numbing sensation effect, which is similar with opium.

Not just the pain relief, wild opium is helpful against a persistent cough, whooping cough, sunburn, diarrhea and other diseases. Unlike opium, it is 100% legal to buy and use.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant from the ginger family. Everyone knows how many health benefits does a ginger provide to you.

It is easy to guess that this close relative of ginger, turmeric has high medicinal impacts, i.e., antibacterial, antipyretic, analgesic, and others.

Turmeric is a native of South Asia especially Indian region. It has a vital alkaloid called curcumin, which is a natural painkiller.

Holistic Nursing Practice’s published article suggests that the effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) are even comparable with ibuprofen, which is a popular painkiller medicine for the patients with knee arthritis.

It blocks the COX-2 enzyme and overcomes the pain thus turmeric is called as a natural painkiller.

  • Kava Kava

Kava kava is the closest match with Kratom when it comes to health benefits. It is scientifically called Piper methysticin.

The vital effects of kava kava are muscle relaxation and healing effects for the body. It is also helpful against pains.

It is a common belief that kava may make you high even if you use it for pain. It is not true.

The only reason you get hallucinations from a medicine is when you overdo them. There is no possibility for any of these to show up when you use Kava kava rightly.

The hallucinating effect, which is sometimes linked with misuse of Kava, is only an overdosing effect.

You are less likely to experience it if you are following a safe dosage. Nuciferine is a chemical, which is abundant in kava kava. This chemical makes kava kava helpful against pain, stress, insomnia and much more.

For all types of pains, kava kava is one best plant to use. It is easy and safe but does not overdose it. Overdosing will bring undesirable effects that are uncomfortable for the user.

  • Ginger

A native of South China, ginger is one best herbal remedy for chronic pains. It is rich in phytochemicals, which help to suppress pain. Gingerols is the term, which is used for defining ginger’s phytochemicals.

The structure of gingerols is similar as that of COX-2 inhibitors in Advil and other NSAIDs. It makes ginger a very helpful natural painkiller for acute and chronic pain disorders.

  • Montmorency cherries

Montmorency cherries are rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins. They are helpful against pain, inflammation and microbial attacks.

The anthocyanins are very supportive for pain; it is similar as that of chemical painkillers.

The mechanism of pain control is the same, which is to inhibit the COX-2 enzyme. It reduces the pain and inflammation like medicinal drugs.

The research by Department of Sport, Exercise, and Rehabilitation of Northumbria University states that cherry and its products are used for human health.

They have high anti-inflammatory and pain control capacity, which can be used as a part of natural painkillers. Also, it is the bets natural over the counter and non-steroidal treatment for chronic pain and inflammation.

  • Qigong

Qigong is a name, which is one of the best natural painkillers, but it is least known to the world.

Qigong is exceptionally useful to decrease the pain in the patients of chronic cases of fibromyalgia and related diseases. It is even proven by the research.

A research article elaborates the role of qigong for fibromyalgia through six controlled trials and nine of other reports.

The benefits of qigong are not just for pain, but it also helped in sleeping problems, physical and mental fitness.

Another study proves the role of qigong for arthritis-linked pain. Arthritis is a chronic pain disease, which leaves the patient to disable from movement.

Through this research, qigong was examined for reducing the disability and pain caused by arthritis.

The data reveals that qigong plus exercise is a relaxation and healthy technique for the body. It is even helpful to suppress the harms of chronic pain diseases like arthritis.

  • Cissus quandrangularis

As a member of grapes family, Cissus quadrangularis is high in essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients. All of these are helpful to reduce the internal inflammation and pain.

The painkilling effect of Cissus quandrangularis is equally effective as that of Aspirin and Ibuprofen.

The study printed by The Physician and Sportsmedicine explains the role of Cissus quadrangularis for reducing the joint pain in exercise-trained men.

The 8-week course of Cissus quandrangularis supplements reduced the joint pains in 29 otherwise healthy people.

It also suggests further investigation on the potential of Cissus quandrangularis for particular pain disorders.

  • Blue Lotus

Blue lotus of Nymphaea caerulea is a beautiful plant, which has painkilling properties.

It helps to overcome moderate to chronic pains such as muscular pains and tinnitus.

It is not highly efficient like kava kava and Kratom, but you can try it for routine use for pain induced by chronic diseases.

Blue lotus is not a type of lotus; in fact, there is no blue flower in lotus family. Blue lotus that has natural painkilling properties is a water lily.

Jennifer Kurtz
Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies.

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