HomeNootropicsHow Do You Make Cat’s Claw Tea?

How Do You Make Cat’s Claw Tea?

Be ready to enhance your knowledge of Cat’s Claw tea because after reading this article, you will come to know, “How to make Cat’s Claw tea at home, Health benefits of Cat’s Claw tea, Cat’s claw tea recipe, and Reactions of Cat’s Claw tea in users.

Cat’s claw tea is a famous herbal tea with therapeutic benefits. It is an immunity booster, nootropic as well as antiviral.

Sipping the cat’s claw tea every day gives you numerous health benefits. Just when you think that this is all, it surprises you with more offerings.

The potent herb is anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anticancer, antioxidant and anxiolytic.

It promotes health especially when you are suffering from seasonal allergies, arthritis, Parkinson, Alzheimer’s, asthma, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, hemorrhoids, and ulcers.

The woody wine grows naturally at Amazon rainforest, which is famous for its biodiversity. It is due to the climatic conditions that plants like cat’s claw are rich with healing properties.

Cat’s claw tea is a new product on the market, but it has an ancient history of use in South America.

It is a part of traditional medicine for diseases like gastric ulcers, rheumatism, internal inflammation, arthritis, mental dullness etc.

The best form to use for medicinal effects is cat’s claw tea, which is readily available in markets now. This article explains the benefits of cat’s claw trees and the recipe to make it.

Best benefits of using Cat’s Claw tea

Out of all the therapeutic effects, what you can get from sipping the hot cup of cat’s claw tea is as follows.

  • Cat’s Claw tea for arthritis treatment

Multiple studies confirm the significant role of cat’s claw in naturally improving the condition of muscles and joints diseases.

In this regard, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis both are benefitted by a daily use of cat’s claw tea.

A research study, published in “Inflammation Research” investigated 45 subjects, which were patients with osteoarthritis with effect to the knee.

They used 100mg freeze-dried Cat’s claw every day for one month. A comparison of placebo and target group analysis tells that pain associated with osteoarthritis reduced significantly.

This study was a short-term plan, but it suggests to use cat’s claw supplements or tea daily for pain control.

A similar research studied the impact of cat’s claw on rheumatoid arthritis patients using standard medication.

It was a double-blind study which resulted in reduced swelling and painful joints among patients.  This review is published in “Journal of Rheumatology” and is available online to read.

  • Cat’s Claw tea for natural cognitive boost

Cat’s claw is a part of many herbal nootropic formulas for its potential cognitive benefits.

It is a herbal nootropic which is safe for human use. The studies on animal models verify its benefits for the brain by following means.

It boosts the memory

The extract of cat’s claw has advantages against cognitive disorders, i.e. amnesia and dementia. The alkaloid count of this herb reduces the symptoms of memory loss.

This benefit is mainly due to the effect on a cholinergic system, which is responsible for releasing acetylcholine.

It improves the brain performance

The cat’s claw extracts are helpful for patients with vascular dementia. The study on mice reveals that indole alkaloids and phenolic fractions prevent the impairment of spatial learning behavior in several activities of mice.

It is anti-convulsing and anti-spasmodic

Cat’s claw reduces the convulsions in mice epilepsy models. It suggests cat’s claw to be a therapeutic agent to treat epilepsy in humans too.

It has the rich amount of antioxidant to offer

The antioxidant activities of cat’s claw prevent cellular damage, it increases cell viability, potential and enhances the function by preventing free radical damage.

It has anti-mutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties

Extracts and chromatographic fractions of cat’s claw show the DNA repair mechanism along with the anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Cat’s Claw tea for body repair

A higher benefit of using cat’s claw tea in routine is that it enables the natural DNA repair mechanism. It heals the damaged caused by an internal infection, injury, trauma or post-surgical wounds.

Cat’s claw even makes the chemotherapy for cancer effective by helping in cellular repair which cancer cells damage.

A research study published in “Phytotherapy Research” analyzed the water based extract of cat’s claw to aid in DNA repair mechanism.

The experiment was performed on human skin by using cell culture. The results elaborated that aqueous extract of cat’s claw protected the skin from death induced by UV radiation.

These results suggest cat’s claw as a natural sun protection and damage-repairing tool that works best in water.

It may also indicate that infusing cat’s claw bark in water, making it a tea gives more benefit to your body than using supplements.

  • Cat’s Claw tea to aid in hypertension

High blood pressure is prevalent among middle to old age people. Usually, they are prescribed a daily medicine to control their blood pressure.

To make the blood pressure maintained by natural means, cat’s claw tea can be one perfect option.

The studies on cat’s claw suggest it to be a potential treatment for hypertension. The traditional Chinese medicine used some similar species to make the blood pressure low as well as neurological support.

Cat’s claw maintains a healthy blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart problems, i.e. heart attack, stroke etc.

It also inhibits the formation of plaque and clots in the arteries, supplying blood to heart and brain.

It is better to control blood pressure by using herbs than medicines. In this situation, a daily use of cat’s claw tea relaxes the body as well as reducing the blood pressure.

However, it is not a good idea to combine it with blood pressure medicine. You should take only one out of them. It is better to consult your physician before using cat’s claw tea to control blood pressure.

  • Cat’s Claw tea for immunity boost

Numerous health benefits of cat’s claw tea make it a natural immune booster, which is endorsed by the scientists.

Individual research studies on animal and human models demonstrate the role of cat’s claw in overall health enhancement.

In one similar study, a water-soluble extract of cat’s claw was given to the subjects for eight weeks.

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The analysis after eight weeks showed that the subjects had increased pathogenic abilities in the form of white blood cells.

They also detected a distinct DNA repair mechanism on single and double standard DNA fragments. These two remarkable findings increased the trust on cat’s claw and its natural abilities.

Now imagine what a daily use of cat’s claw tea can bring for you.

How to use Cat’s Claw?

Cat’s claw is easy to find at almost all leading health stores. It is legal to buy and use, there is no restriction on its sale.

You are more likely to find it at herbal tea section or with stores like Walmart or GNC at dietary supplement counter.

It is available in liquid extract, capsule and tea form. You can use any of these types as per your personal preference.

Many people find pills as easy to use. However, the best effects of cat’s claw come in the form of herbal tea.

The online forums suggest cat’s claw tea to be the most prevalent form of it. Users from all around the world love it. Besides, using tea is the traditional way to utilize the benefits of cat’s claw herb.

How to make Cat’s Claw tea at home?

You can easily make the miraculous cat’s claw tea at home. It is simple and easy to make. Like all herbal teas, it has a vegetal aroma and soothing effect, which feels good.

Due to this property, it is easy to use it in routine like regular black tea, coffee or green tea.

To make cat’s claw tea, you can either use a store-bought tea powder, or you can buy the bark and make tea from it. Both are beneficial but if you want to try cat’s claw tea for medicinal reasons, try using the bark.

It has more nutrients than the commercially made tea. For general health-boosting effects, using a commercially produced cat’s claw tea is helpful too.

Here is the recipe to make cat’s claw tea at home.

Things that you need: Water, cat’s claw tea/ bark, lemon juice, honey or spices

Recipe: Take a medium size pot and put it on low flame. Pour one and a half cup water in it and let it boil. After one or two boils, add a few drops of lemon juice. Add the cat’s claw to the pot. If it is in a powder form, use 1-2 tablespoons of it. If you are using the bark, add one, two small size pieces.

Cover it for a few minutes. The lemon juice added will help to release the tannins from the tea. After a few minutes, strain the tea or remove the bark pieces.

This tea doesn’t have a delicious taste. You can add a sweetener to it only if you aren’t watching your weight or are not diabetic. You can also consider adding honey or spices to give flavor to it. Sip it warm.

How much Cat’s Claw tea you should take?

For tea lovers, the best is to enjoy tea every couple of hours. But for herbal teas, this is to the same case.

Most of the herbal teas are strong and are recommended to use only a set amount to avoid overdosing effects.

The herbs are equally potent as medicines. Overdosing both can result in health hazards. It is better to consider a moderate dose whether it is a medicine or herbal tea. For cat’s claw, the dosage guidelines are as follows.

Cat’s Claw Tea

1- 10g of root bark in 8-ounce water. It is better to start with a low dose, i.e. 1gram and increase it gradually once the body gets used to it.

You can add more water but not the bark. Safe dosage of cat’s claw tea is 1-3 cups per day. If you are using a commercially made tea, follow the guidelines given on the tea pack.

Cat’s Claw Tincture

This is a liquid form of cat’s claw and is more potent than tea. You can use ¼ or ½ teaspoon of cat claw’s tincture 2-3 times a day with a gap of few hours.

Read the instructions given by the manufacturer.

Cat’s Claw Supplements

The dosage of supplements varies as per your requirement to use cat’s claw. For osteoarthritis, using 100 mg per day is sufficient.

Immunity boosting effects can be achieved from 250-350 mg per day as recommended by Arthritis Foundation.

Every manufacturer formulates supplements in different concentration. Don’t forget to read the label, potency and dosage guideline by the manufacturer.

Can Cat’s Claw tea cause a reaction in user?

If the user follows recommended dose, there are least chances that it can go wrong for you. There are only a few side effects, which are familiar to new users.

These unwanted effects include dizziness, nausea, diarrhea etc. that are more likely to hit you because your body is not used to cat’s claw before. Once you start taking it regularly, these effects never show up.

There are no toxic effects of cat’s claw herb. Cat’s claw tea is the mild form, which may rarely bring any undesirable outcome.

Many users don’t like its taste and aroma. It doesn’t have a good taste like other herbal tea. For that, you can add your favorite spices or sweetener in it.

Talk to your doctor before you start taking cat’s claw tea on a regular basis. If you are currently using medicines, never combine them with this tea.

The combination may cause interactions. Especially the medication for blood pressure and immunomodulating drugs should never be used while taking cat’s claw tea.

There are no studies on cat’s claw’s effects on pregnant and nursing mothers. For the safe side, it is better not to use cat’s claw tea or any form of it while you are breastfeeding or pregnant with a child. It is not suitable for underage people.

Cross check for the allergies before making a habit of using cat’s claw tea. Many people are allergic to Rubiaceae family members.

If you are sensitive to it, stop using it immediately. There are other natural alternatives that you can try.

Asad Khan
Asad Khan is an independent health journalist who specializes in food policy and global health. He is a senior fellow for investigative health journalism at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

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