HomeKratomBest Kratom for Sleep & Insomnia - Top Picks

Best Kratom for Sleep & Insomnia – Top Picks

Ask anyone who uses Kratom regularly, and you are likely to hear a long list of the benefits which the herb offers.

Whether it’s for pain relief or fighting opiate addiction, Kratom is widely used as a safe remedy for many ailments including sleep deprivation.

Those who suffer from insomnia or sleep deprivation will agree on how frustrating the condition can be.

The inability to fall in proper slumber along with lack of concentration, bad mood, and poor motor control can have a relatively negative impact on a person’s overall health.

However, more than 30% of the population suffers from insomnia while more than 60 million Americans are affected by the disorder.

And although prescription, as well as over-the-counter sleep medicine, does work, they can become habitual which is why many insomniacs are wary of their use.

Luckily, Kratom has been a huge asset, and many people around the world utilize the herb to improve the quality of their sleep.

How does Kratom work for sleep disorders?

By far the most common cause of insomnia is stress and anxiety which affects more than 40 million Americans, aged 18 and older.

The stress of this fast-paced life interferes with normal, restful sleep for many individuals.

Since Kratom is effective in combating stress and anxiety; it can treat most insomnia by working on the cause.

Some specific strains of Kratom such as Bali, Sumatra, and Super Green Malay is highly recommended for their sedation properties. Find the list of best kratom strains for sleep here.

They not only help the users sleep better but also keep stress and negative thoughts at bay, making them relaxed.

Another common reason for the lack of sleep is the underlying pain. We all know Kratom to be one of the best natural pain relievers that helps reduce pain without any side effects.

A recent survey conducted by the American Kratom Association also confirmed that 90% of the participants from the 6,150 Kratom users confirmed Kratom to be helpful in managing pain along with insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

Kratom is a herb native from Southeast Asia. The main active ingredients in Kratom are the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroymitragynine.

Studies have confirmed both the alkaloids have pain-relieving properties as well as anti-inflammatory.

Because of the “physical comfort” the herb provides, most users are satisfied with the results of Kratom and often describe the effects of Kratom to be ‘soothing, comforting, and relaxing.’

How to use Kratom for sleep?

The most important factor to consider when using Kratom for sleep disorder is choosing the correct type of strain.

New users might find this a bit challenging as every Kratom provides different effects to the users.

The results can also vary from one user to another while it is also dependent upon the dosage level.

If you are also interested in trying out Kratom for sleep and insomnia, we suggest you start off with the Sumatra strains, Bali, Borneo, and the Indo variety as they have sedating properties.

Red veins are the ultimate choice for sedation, and we highly recommend that you stay away from the white strains as they can be very stimulating and cause the opposite effect.

Must Read:  10 Ideal Way To Store Kratom Powder At Home

Another thing to remember if you are a novice user is to start the dosage of Kratom gradually.

Start with a small dose and as the body gets adjusted, increase the dosage slowly.

It should be noted that each Kratom strain or batch has a different ideal dosage, so testing is highly recommended.

Timing is equally important when taking Kratom for sleep disorders. Kratom is not meant to work as a sleeping pill and won’t knock you unconscious instantly after ingesting.

Instead, it is best if you take Kratom 1 – 2 hours before the time you plan to go to sleep.

During the time, the effects of Kratom will gradually work on your body and mind to release the kinds of tension that are the usual culprits of insomnia.

Can use Kratom for sleep cause side effects?

The safety of every herb depends on how it is used and although, Kratom is considered highly safe – the users are strictly advised to take caution and avoid overdosing on Kratom.

4-5 Gms of Kratom is usually deemed to be a strong sedative dose, and users should stay within the limit to avoid any negative consequences.

It is also not recommended to take Kratom every night as using any strain of Kratom regularly for six months can cause dependency in 50% of the users.

Therefore, it is advised to take Kratom when the need arises, instead of regular nightly usage.

In case, a dependency of Kratom develops from regular use; it is advised to suspend usage for a while to allow the body to become adjusted.

You can also decrease the dosage gradually to get the body accustomed.

Any precaution to follow when taking Kratom for sleep

Just like any other sleeping aid, users should avoid driving or use machinery when under the influence of Kratom.

Since a sedating dose of Kratom can cause dizziness in the users, it is recommended that you relax and stay in a safe zone when taking the herb for sleep deprivation.

It is also advised not to mix alcohol with Kratom as alcohol can dull the effects of Kratom causing unpleasant outcomes like headaches, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

Kratom users on Drugs-Forum also forbid others to combine alcohol with Kratom due to the adverse effects it can cause.

Final Thoughts

Users who take Kratom for insomnia and other sleep disorders agree that the herb does help them fall asleep easily.

However, some claim that instead of feeling refreshed, they feel groggier in the morning and prefer taking Kratom on weekends to compensate for the tiring work-week they experience.

However, to get the most benefit from Kratom, you have to find the right dosage and strain. Since each individual responds differently to a different kind of Kratom.

It is best that you test out a few and find the one which best suits your tolerance level.

Kristie Leong
Kristie Leong is a medical writer, researcher and a blogger with 13+ years of experience. She maintains her own personal health blog as well. She owns knowledge base that covers a wide range of medical fields and she loves to express her health knowledge through her words. Expert in medical marijuana, CBD oil, Kratom, Kava, Matcha and other botanical.

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