HomeCBDTherapeutic CBD Chocolate Bars - Taste I Love!

Therapeutic CBD Chocolate Bars – Taste I Love!

Are you looking for an easy way of CBD consumption? Do you wanna switch from vaping and bilingual methods and want to try something casual yet fun? After CBD oil and CBD vape liquids, you can now enjoy CBD chocolate bars just like the way you take Toblerone casually. Getting your daily dose of CBD is now just as easy as fighting your food craving; opening your fridge, taking out your favorite chocolate, and eating it up. As simple as that! But, the question is whether it is just for fun or it is as effective as other CBD products? That’s what I am here to tell you

What’s There in Therapeutic CBD Chocolate Bars?

When you take a CBD chocolate bar, you intake purely natural ingredients. All the organic things used in the bar are non-GMO, gluten-free, and certified. They taste just as sweet as tempting desserts you take after your meal. The basic components include white, dark, or milk chocolates that combine with honey, nuts, spices, fruits, and some other natural ingredients.

Milk Chocolate: includes organic whole milk powder, organic cane sugar, organic cocoa mass, organic cocoa butter, and an emulsifier (GMO-free).

Dark Chocolate: includes organic cocoa beans, organic cocoa butter, organic cane sugar, and organic vanilla.

White Chocolate: includes organic whole milk powder, organic cane sugar, organic cocoa butter, organic vanilla extract & ground vanilla, and soy lecithin as an emulsifier

What Flavors Do Chocolate Bars Come In?

The combination of different things makes four primary flavors including caramel coconut, raspberry cinnamon, peach hazelnut, and peanut butter & honey.

Caramel coconut: The base ingredient is organic milk chocolate that combines with organic caramel, dried coconuts, and suitable grade hemp oil to make the final product. You will enjoy the nutritional benefits of coconut while enjoying eating chocolate along with consuming CBD.

Raspberry Cinnamon: The organic dark chocolate combines with organic cinnamon, raspberry, and food-grade hemp oil to make the finishing product. If you are a dark and fruity chocolate lover, then raspberry cinnamon is the choice for you.

Peach Hazelnut: It is an organic white chocolate product. The base ingredient combines with organic hazelnuts, dried peaches, and food-grade hemp oil. It’s a great choice for those who love sweet and creamy chocolate.

Peanut Butter and Honey: The organic milk chocolate, peanut butter, honey, and food-grade oil together make the final product. It’s a fantastic combination of peanut butter and chocolates that gives a mouthwatering taste.

Are Therapeutic CBD Chocolate Bars as Effective as Other CBD Products?

Well, why won’t it be when it has all the natural and organic ingredients? It works as effectively as CBD oils and other edible products. As I have told you in my previous posts that CBD is commonly used in eatable items, and I have also shed enough light on their effectiveness. Let’s dig deeper into the efficacy of therapeutic CBD chocolate bars!

Well, the external appearance says it all! You will immediately see some blemish-like color variations and patches on the bar. They are due to the purity of those natural ingredients used inside. Unlike facial blemishes, these blotches aren’t ugly and look pretty cool when they peek out from the inner coating.

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The hemp taste ranges from zero to negligible, which means, you get to enjoy the goodness of chocolate when you consume CBD in real. Each bar has four sections, and each one contains 15mgs of CBD, except dark chocolate that has double strength, i.e. 30mgs. It’s a discreet, easy, and fun way of consuming CBD

Like other CBD products including oil, tinctures, vape juices, etc., the CBD chocolate bars are used to treat various health problems. A research conducted by some health professionals proved that despite being in its infancy, people are now consuming these bars for anxiety, pain, general relaxation, sleeplessness, depression, general well-being, arthritis, inflammation, illness prevention, and other issues.

You might have heard about chocolate therapy, but the CBD chocolate bar treatment must be something new for you, right?

Well, treating psychological and physical problems in such a way is a treat, and of course, who doesn’t love chocolates?

Other than that, the CBD-infused chocolate bars will give you an energy dose. They will provide you with a CBD punch that will keep you going the entire day once you take it. That means you can say goodbye to other addictive products. You get your medication, recreation, and sweet craving in one bite.

How are CBD Chocolate Bars Made?

There are two processes of making CBD chocolate: making cannabutter and making the chocolate. First, you have to infuse CBD-leading cannabis strain into butter for activating CBD. This butter is then used in making the chocolate.

Boil one cup of water and add some unsalted butter. Slow cook it for some minutes and then add one-ounce ground hemp into the mixture. The amount of hemp is of utmost importance; you can either increase or decrease it for strengthening or weakening it, accordingly. Cook the mixture for about eight hours; the longer, the better. Once cooked, strain out and then squeeze the hemp and refrigerate the butter until hardened. The hardening process will also separate water from the butter, and it will be ready to use for making chocolate.

The next step is to make chocolate, and for that, you have to mix your cannabutter and cocoa powder. Mix it up to make a thick paste and keep on meshing it until it’s lump-free. Then, add the mixture to the boiling water and stir it continuously. Once thoroughly mixed, take it out in a bowl and add sugar and other organic compounds in it. Add some milk to make the texture smooth. Take it out on a mold and bring it to bar shape. Then, refrigerate it until it is hardened enough. Your CBD chocolate bar is ready to use!

Bringing it all Together

CBD is known for its industrial and medical purposes. After CBD oil, waxes, vape juices, and other related products, the world has now been introduced to CBD chocolate bars. It is as tasty as other chocolates out there in the market and a subtle way of consuming CBD. However, the amount of intake should be kept in mind. Except for the dark chocolate flavor, all the bars come in four pieces, and each one contains 15mg of CBD.

Your daily dose should be according to your need. If you are taking it for medical purpose, do consult your doctor before deciding on the amount. You shouldn’t also overdose yourself if you take it for recreational use. Keep some in your fridge and have some when you have a chocolate craving!

John Schroyer
John Williams has been working as a health writer since July 2011 and currently spends most of his time writing about marijuana and Kratom. He lives in San Diego, Ohio, as the beaches are nicer there. He is a regular contributor to many top health magazines and frequently writes for Redstorm Scientific.

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