HomeCBDVitamins And Dog Oil Supplements That Your Pet Needs

Vitamins And Dog Oil Supplements That Your Pet Needs

Stores nowadays are stocked with rows of vitamins, and there’s a wide range of options for your canines. Choosing the right supplements can be challenging for many pet owners. There are a lot of questions about whether they really need the vitamins and what are the ones you can give. Here’s some information that can give you insights.

Vitamins are organic compounds needed to sustain the life of living things. They are often found naturally in food products and beverages, and your pet may need some for healthier growth and fight against diseases.

Some of the vitamins are Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B-12, B-6, thiamine, riboflavin, folate, biotin, niacin, and choline. Canines may need them, too, and it’s essential to realize that people in different dosages consume them.

In the market today, know that there are products such as CBD that’s made for canines. Your dogs can benefit from cannabidiol because it includes a wide range of vitamins like niacin, B-complex, B12, riboflavin, and niacin. Aside from these, the right products also help remove free radicals in your body and increase the antioxidants so your pet will be less susceptible to infection and illnesses.

About your Canine’s Needs

Your canine may get his vitamins from various foods that you’re offering him. There are commercial treats and pet food that’s labeled balanced and complete, and they are all formulated with the necessary nutrients and minerals that your pup needs.

Many of these foods can cater to different life stages of a dog like senior, adult, and puppies. They may contain different levels of nutrients that are right according to your pups’ needs. This is very important for those larger breeds that are prone to developing hip dysplasia and other diseases in their lifetimes. They may need calcium that will let them grow too quickly.

It’s essential to feed your furry friend with the appropriate commercial diet unless your veterinarian tells you otherwise. Many canines have been fed a homemade diet, and they may require additional supplements that make sure that they are getting more than enough with their meals. These should match the diet of the pet because simply feeding them at dinnertime is not enough.  

Risks Associated with Vitamins

Know that vitamins are essential to life, and they can be beneficial to animals. However, when consumed in larger doses regularly, know that they have the potential to be dangerous. Too much calcium could cause issues with a puppy’s skeletal system, especially if he came from a larger breed. Read more about issues of puppies with too much calcium on this site.

Consuming too much vitamin A can be harmful to the blood vessels of your canine, and it may cause joint pain and dehydration. Another thing is that only a few studies out there test the long-term safety and efficacy of the supplements. Some that have herbs as ingredients may interact with various medications. Fortunately, you can totally avoid the risks associated with the vitamins by making plans with your vet about the nutritional values that your pet needs.

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Checking with the Vet

It’s an absolute must to check with your vet before you administer any supplements to your canine. Many of the symptoms, including a weak rear end and arthritis, may instead be caused by a neurological issue. Poor coats may be the result of hormonal imbalance, metabolic problems, or skin issues.

Don’t drop the traditional therapies, prescribed medication, and laboratory treatments that the vet recommends. Instead, couple them with supplements and use the pills as they were intended. If it’s an organ or life-threatening illness, stick to the standard care and make sure that your canine is not taking other vitamins that can interact with the medicines that they are taking.

If they are eating a balanced and complete diet and are generally healthy, they don’t need supplementation. Fruits and vegetables are often more than enough to give them their nutritional needs.

Do Vitamins Work?

The effects of vitamins will depend on how it was manufactured and currently used. Many vets say that clinical trials involving canines may be rare. You need to do your own research and find more evidence that a particular pill works.

For example, glucosamine-chondroitin supplements have shown mixed results in studies involving animals and humans. Studies in 2007 found by The Veterinary Journal have concluded that pets that received treatment from glucosamine-chondroitin sulfate have shown greater pain tolerance and more mobility after about 70 days.

However, a 2006 study done by the NIH showed that the supplements were not as effective in humans who are experiencing mild pain. The ones who have severe or moderate pain may have gotten some relief, but due to the sample size, it was difficult to determine any conclusive evidence, and more studies were needed.

This is the same thing with supplements like cannabidiol oil. Some studies show that the canines have experienced pain relief while they were administered with the CBD tinctures. However, more studies are needed for these to be conclusive as some results were mixed. It’s best to do your own research and look for the best manufacturers in the market who can give you high-quality medicines. Look for the ones with vitamins E and C and pills that can reduce inflammation in aging canines. However, apply caution with them and do research about their long-term safety and efficacy. Also, it helps to consult your vet if you’re unsure of what to give.

Kristie Leong
Kristie Leong is a medical writer, researcher and a blogger with 13+ years of experience. She maintains her own personal health blog as well. She owns knowledge base that covers a wide range of medical fields and she loves to express her health knowledge through her words. Expert in medical marijuana, CBD oil, Kratom, Kava, Matcha and other botanical.

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