HomeCBDWhat Conditions Does CBD Oil Treat?

What Conditions Does CBD Oil Treat?

CBD is the most crucial topic of interest since the general population of its users has outshined the market.

So, is CBD effective within the domain of its health-related performances? Numerous scientific researchers have tested the effectiveness of cannabinoid as a remedy for multiple diseases and health conditions.

Despite the legalization issue of cannabis in America, CBD is indicating the positive outcome after its usage in many health fields.

Why CBD holds immense importance?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the components extracted from the leaves of the plant Cannabis sativa.

Among the other 113 active elements, CBD is the most beneficial accounting for 40% of the extract.

It does not create a downregulating effect on the body. That makes it non-psychoactive, safe to use, also causes minimal or no adverse impact on the body.

Tetrahydrocannabinol-THC, unlike CBD, is also present in abundance in the plant. However, this very element is purely psychoactive meaning it causes “high” feeling in its user, even a cause of several adverse effects. Hence, illegal in the U.S.

Perhaps the remarkable importance of CBD makes it stand out as it contains unaccountable therapeutic benefits.

Some clinical trials, observational studies, researchers and interviews provided favorable outcomes regarding CBD.

Its promiscuous pharmacology showed an anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and analgesic (pain reliever) properties.

Furthermore, the transparency of CBD’s potential therapeutic value for the intervention of social disorders like anxiety, depression, and addiction.

According to the American Epilepsy Society, the most significant study documented the seizure activity in young adults and children reduced to the half, whereas the benefits of CBD continued in some epileptic patients even after completion of the study.

Similarly, there are hundreds of studies supporting the use of CBD especially for people suffering from any health issues.

How does Cannabinoid react in the human body?

Brain neurons (specialized cells) interact with each other by releasing chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters play a significant role in finding its specific receptor to carry on the ordinary function.

Not only brain receptors are sensitive to neurotransmitters that are already present naturally in the brain like dopamine or serotonin, but they also react with chemicals consuming externally such as THC or CBD.

When CBD is ingested or inhaled as per the requirement, it does not directly interact with the brain classic cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 present in CNS and immune system.

Instead, it communicates with endocannabinoids (naturally-present cannabinoids) and inhibits the enzymes that break them down.

Endocannabinoid system – The benefactor of CBD

Endocannabinoids belongs to a biological system which are endogenous lipids-based neurotransmitters, involving in multiple physiological and cognitive processes.

The endocannabinoid system- ECS is involved in controlling basic mechanisms of homeostasis such as appetite, pain sensations, mood, memory, and pregnancy.

CBD’s interaction with ECS is essential for the human brain and body as it flourishes the system and stimulates the optimal level of these mechanisms.

CBD also provides potential therapeutic as well as neurological advantages while activating serotonin levels in controlling anxiety, and other multiple health-related conditions.

CBD role in health and diseases

  • CBD helps fight cancer

CBD has been the ultimate target for most of the researchers concerning determining its anti-cancerous properties.

However, insufficient studies and survey have been conducted in this domain.

According to research published n the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, the efficacy of CBD in metastization or reducing tumor growth in some cases was confirmed in experimental animal models.

It was documented that CBD usage helps in blockage of a pathway for cell invasion in the body.

A review from the study suggested a combination of CBD with classical chemotherapeutic agents to check for a synergistic effect that might allow the reduction of chemotherapeutic dose, hence reducing toxicity while maintaining efficacy.

The other potential benefits of CBD for people living with cancer include anti-emetic effects, pain relief, appetite stimulation, improved sleep.

Estimated CBD dose: The ideal treatment of CBD for cancer management would be CBD tincture 1 to 3 times daily.

It is essential to start with one drop via sublingual pathway (under the tongue) for 60 seconds then swallow it.

  • CBD as a neuroprotective agent

Many ongoing, as well as concluded researchers, are a viewpoint that CBD act as a neuroprotective agent.

The CBD effect on the brain receptor CB1 preserves the neuronal integrity that happens in conditions like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, and Alzheimer’s disease.

In a study focusing on the endocannabinoid system for Alzheimer’s disease, cannabinoid shows neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and antioxidant properties. Hence CBD should also be the primary choice of intervention for Alzheimer’s disease.

Estimated CBD dose: The estimated dose of CBD for neuroprotective diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy and stroke should be moderate of around three drops sublingually four times per day. You may add three drops gradually until you reach 20 drops of CBD per day.

A study given by PLoS in 2014 was comprised of 19 rat subjects with injured tail bones as to imitate degenerative disc disease in humans.

Where rats were split into three groups and furnished with different concentrations of CBD, i.e., 30nmol, 60nmol, 120nmol respectively.

After that, each team was exclusively examined via Microscope and MRI to obtain a definite impression of CBD’s usage, which therefore deduced that there exists the correspondence among “protective effects of cannabidiol” on lesion-induced degenerative disc disorder.

The research concluded although the results did not show marked improvement in subjects given 30 and 60 nmol, the rat subject with 120 nmol did reveal declination of the lesions.

Researchers contemplated that regardless of sample size and non-human subjects used, CBD does not show any adverse effects making it a viable choice of treatment for symptoms related to degenerative disc disorder.

People suffer from chronic pain, or severe degenerative disc disease is often given opioids for pain management that results in psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression and many other side effects.

Fortunately, CBD can help reduce stress and mediate many adverse effects of prescription medications.

Estimated CBD dose: Important is to always start with the minimal dose of 25mg of CBD oil sublingually for pain management.

Gradually increase the dosage until the symptoms related to disc degeneration starts subsiding.

  • CBD is effective in diabetes
Must Read:  CBD Oil Information And Benefits

More than 380 million individuals worldwide are diagnosed with diabetes. 1 out of 11 people is diabetic in America.

Just as the results are so shocking, opposite to it, the intervention is natural and comfortable in many aspects.

The Israeli research conducted by renowned Raphael Mechoulam in 2015, documented that the cannabidiol can treat both diabetes type 1 and two due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Later in 2016m, the improved study showed that an experimental CBD intervention declined the markers of inflammation in the microcirculation of the pancreas in mice.

Estimated CBD dose: The critical thing is the weight of the patient and the severity of a condition that plays an essential role in determining the doses of CBD especially in diseases like diabetes.

It is necessary to initially start with a mild dose and increase by 25mg after 3-4 weeks or till the relief of the symptoms.

Despite advance pharmaceutical armamentariums, the various high-level of pains due to several major or minor health conditions are increasing.

According to Dr. Mark Rabe, the effectiveness of medical cannabis for chronic pain patients is greatly promised.

CBD affects people’s perception of pain, has been shown to influence voltage-gated sodium channels in nerves in a similar way to lidocaine.

It also can mitigate the inflammatory processes, which is highly effective in conditions like fibromyalgia.

A clinical trial done by investigators at the Institut de Recerca Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, Spain in 2011, documented beneficial relief of several fibromyalgia symptoms such as musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and discomfort by the use of medical marijuana.

In that study 28 fibromyalgia patients who were the users of cannabis were compared with 28 non-users.

Estimated CBD dose: 5-20mg CBD by mouth for up to an average of 25 days are useful for chronic pain management.

The dosage is normally defined on the product itself but important is to discuss a proper dosage of CBD with a certified physician.

One of the significant problems of the young generation is unneeded acne that appears due to some reasons.

Good news for people suffering from stubborn skin problems, CBD can help prevent inflammation in your body, which results in reduced acne flare-up.

According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, CBD enters the skin via the transfollicular route and accumulate in the sebaceous gland where it controls the production of sebum and possible breakouts.

Estimated CBD dose: The best way to treat acne is the application of CBD compound topically. Though, the ingestion of CBD oil is also beneficial due to its anti-oxidative properties.

  • Anxiety reliever

In a study done by Brazilian researchers, the CBD showed tremendous effects in controlling anxiety-related issues.

Researchers contemplated patients’ subjective reports by conducting brain scans showing optimized cerebral blood flow patterns with CBD’s anti-anxiety effect.

In another study related to Cannabinoid in Anxiety Induced by Public Speaking, researchers found significantly less generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD) in patients who were exposed to a single dose of CBD.

Estimated CBD dose: It is essential to sign the quantity of CBD before taking it for any psychological disorders.

For starter, CBD approx. 25-50 mg per day is necessary while increasing it daily until the condition is managed.

  • Anti-depressant and other mental disorders reliever

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychotomimetic part of cannabis Sativa with ideal psychiatric potential.

Its positivity in psychological issues includes anti-depressant and anxiolytic-like compounds.

Similarly, the result of a study demonstrated anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects in animal models when CBD used.

Samir Haj-Dahmane, one of the eminent researchers from Buffalo’s Research Institute on Addictions claims that depression treatment is much more efficient and could potentially stabilize mood with the use of CBD.

Its effect triggers the endocannabinoid system, which results in the growth of nervous tissue and the end, upshot in a way that it helps depression-related manifestations such as insomnia, appetite, mood, and energy.

Estimated CBD dose: 25-35 mg of CBD oil sublingually is an estimated dose of CBD applicable for depression.

However, it is always recommended to start with a moderate dose and increase gradually. It is essential to know what your body needs.

  • CBD boosts immunity

Numerous researchers uphold the concept of cannabis being beneficial and useful for boosting the suppressed immune function, which is viable for combating Cancer & HIV/Aids by providing strength to the declining system, in contrast to autoimmune disease.

Moreover, the Preclinical research factually implies that the herb brings vitality to the immune response to such health conditions.

Furthermore, research conducted by Dr. Donald Abrams in 2003 discovered that patients who have HIV/AIDS and consuming cannabis indicated a 20 percent rise in their T-cell counts.

T-cells wrestle with the pathogens and destroy them, a component crucial for an immune response. Thereby, this study examined both CD4 and CD8 counts in 62 HIV patients.

Estimated CBD dose: For general use, CBD especially to boost immunity and fight against pathogens, the recommended dose should depend on the weight of a person. Furthermore, regular intake of mild dose should be the starting plan.

  • CBD helps in withdrawal processes

To justify the beneficial impact of CBD especially in individuals who were addicted to smoking, a double-blind placebo-controlled study was conducted.

Randomly chosen 24 smokers were requested to either inhale CBD oil or a placebo. Participants were directed to take a puff to CBD whenever they felt the urge of smoking a cigarette.

Over the week, participants who received CBD saw nearly a 40% drop in their cigarette intake whereas placebo inhalers did not see any change.

Therefore, by this study, it was contemplated that cannabidiol has an action potential in decreasing the cravings for nicotine and helping in withdrawal processes.

Estimated CBD dose: Begin with a small dose of high-quality CBD E-liquid through vaping especially when a user does not have any previous experience with CBD inhalation.

Gradually increase the dosage per week until complete withdrawal from cigarette smoking is seen.

The final verdict on CBD against diseases

Understanding CBD complex pharmacology in health-related issues is, in fact, a perplexed business.

However, several proven studies and observational outcomes have documented the immense benefits of CBD and its increasingly vital role in aiding the well-being of humans.

Kate Freeman
Kate Freeman is the wellpreneur behind Ayuni Organic; a brand focused on spreading the goodness of Mitragyna Speciosa. Kate supports scientific research on this natural tree "Kratom" and believes that this herb can help millions of people to live a healthier life.

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